
Dexter Middle School Track Team 2014
April 09th 2014 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Middle School Track Team 2014
Written by

Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor

Dexter, Missouri - The T.S. Hill Middle School track team has has a busy season so far.  They have competed in several track meets already this year.

The 7th grade athletes are:  Caleb Hoggard, Dawson Jones, Ethan Kincy, Travis Propst, Caleb Stearns, Corbin Strong, Luke Thurston, Matt Ward, and Tyler Wright.

The 8th grade athletes are: Alex Bellers, Mason George, Seth Harris, Crodell Holt, Gabe Jackson, Trevor McDonald, Alexis Moore, Spencer Owens, Kris Rinehart, and Trenton Willis.

/images/2014 Images/DMS Track Schedule.jpg

Last Updated on April 09th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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