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MO Stream Teams Keeping Our Waters Clean
March 28th 2014 by Dee Loflin
MO Stream Teams Keeping Our Waters Clean

Submitted by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor

Missouri - In 1988, a small group of anglers got fed up with unsightly trash disrupting their fishing in Roubidoux Creek. These conservation-minded Missourians decided to clean this section of stream in south-central Missouri. In doing so, they formed the first Missouri Stream Team in 1989. The Roubidoux Fly Fishers Association (Stream Team 1) is still going strong 25 years later. During that time, the Missouri Stream Team Program has grown to more than 4,000 Stream Teams around the state with more than 85,000 volunteers.

The Missouri Stream Team Program is a citizen-led effort to conserve Missouri streams. Sponsored by the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC), the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and the Conservation Federation of Missouri (CFM), the Program focuses on education, stewardship, and advocacy for Missouri stream resources.

“The success of the Stream Team Program is a great example of how Missourians care about conserving fish, forests, and wildlife, and how MDC, DNR and CFM work with citizens to conserve our natural resources,” said MDC Fisheries Biologist Amy Meier, one of several Stream Team biologists with the Conservation Department. “Stream Team activities also provide unique opportunities to discover nature in new and exciting ways.”

Meier added that the ongoing work of more than 4,000 stream teams and their more than 85,000 volunteers have made enormous positive impacts on the health of Missouri’s streams over the last 25 years. That work includes volunteers giving more than 2.2 million hours of time, energy and passion, removing more than 10,000 tons (20 million pounds) of trash from Missouri waterways, planting nearly 265,000 trees along streams, conducting more than 25,000 water quality monitoring trips, and stenciling more than 17,000 storm drains.

“Stream Team volunteers have a passion for clean, healthy streams and do amazing work to help improve our streams and other waters so Missourians can enjoy clean drinking water and outstanding recreational opportunities” Meier said.

To celebrate 25 years of education, stewardship and advocacy for Missouri stream resources, the Missouri Stream Team Program is inviting all Teams (and new volunteers) to participate in “25 Days of Stream Team” events around the state. Running from March to October, events include stream cleanups, water monitoring efforts, education activities, storm-drain stenciling, and more. For a calendar of events, visit mostreamteam.org.

“The anniversary celebration is an effort to increase awareness of citizen-led stream conservation efforts, to encourage participation in the many types of activities that Stream Teams perform, to recognize the accomplishments of Stream Teams over the last 25 years, and to demonstrate how Stream Teams benefit our aquatic resources,” Meier said.

She added that participants can track their activities to receive special appreciation items for attending multiple events, and be entered into a drawing for larger prizes at the end of the year.

“Missouri is fortunate to have 110,000 miles of flowing waters, and the Stream Team Program continues to spread the word about keeping them clean, healthy, and safe,” Meier said. “Even seemingly little things citizens do to help streams makes big differences, such as planting trees and native vegetation along streams, picking up litter, performing water-friendly lawn practices, and educating others about the importance of clean water.”

The Stream Team Program is open to anyone in Missouri with an interest in streams and offers a variety of activities for individuals, families, schools, and communities regardless of age, background, or ability. For more information, visit the website at mostreamteam.org or on Facebook at facebook.com/mostreamteams.

Shown in the photo: Bernie Arnold of Stream Team 211 digs muck out of a 1,200 pound tire during a massive two-day roundup in Southeast Missouri in 2013.  This particular tire was so massive it could be seen in the stream via satellite image.  Nearly 900 tires were removed from streams and sinkholes in two days.

Last Updated on March 28th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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Highway Striping Season Kicks Off
March 27th 2014 by Dee Loflin
Highway Striping Season Kicks Off

Submitted by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor

Southeast Missouri - For Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) crews, spring marks the beginning of striping season. Work to re-stripe various state routes throughout Southeast Missouri will begin the week of March 17, weather permitting. As work is underway, drivers should be prepared to slow down significantly when coming up behind a slow-moving striping caravan.

Striping in Southeast Missouri will start on Interstate 57 in Mississippi and Pemiscot Counties. Crews will then move to Interstate 55 at Sikeston, Mo., and work south to the Arkansas stateline. While working toward the stateline, stripers will also work on Route 412 and Interstate 155 in Dunklin and Pemiscot Counties. After reaching the Arkansas stateline, stripers will work on I-55 north.

MoDOT's Southeast District striping crews will focus on major four-lane routes within the 25-county region throughout spring 2014. In June and July, crews will work to re-stripe state routes within cities and towns. Additional information will be released prior to night work on major routes.

The striping trucks move between 8 mph and 12 mph when work is underway. A driver traveling at highway speed can approach a slow-moving striping caravan much quicker than he or she expects because of significant differences in speed.

For example, where the speed limit is 70 mph on interstate highways, cars are covering at least 103 feet per second. If not paying close enough attention while approaching the striping caravan, a driver suddenly may have to brake and swerve to avoid a high speed, rear-end crash.

Drivers are asked to watch for yellow MoDOT trucks with flashing strobe lights and boards with flashing arrows and messages.

Many MoDOT striping crews work 12-hour days, Monday through Saturday and even early Sunday morning in some cases. Although most of the striping is done during daylight hours, nighttime work will be scheduled to avoid peak travel times in high traffic areas.

            MoDOT encourages drivers to use caution in and around the striping equipment and crew workers.  Here are driving tips to remember when coming upon a striping project:

·    On multi-lane highways, be prepared to slow down and pull around the striping train by merging carefully into the open lane. Avoid pulling in among the trucks in the work train to keep paint from getting onto your vehicle and to avoid damaging the newly painted stripe.

·    On two-lane highways, stay behind the last truck in the striping train, placed well behind the striping truck. This will give the new paint the few minutes it needs to dry. If traffic backs up behind the striping train, MoDOT crews will pull out of the way where it is safe to do so and let congestion clear.

·    If you drive through wet paint, which is water-based, clean your car as quickly as possible with a high-powered water hose, such as those used in car washes.

Last Updated on March 27th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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God's Not Dead Opening Draws Large Crowd
March 22nd 2014 by Staff Writer
God's Not Dead Opening Draws Large Crowd
Submitted by
SMT Staff Writer

'God's Not Dead' Limited Release Expects Box Office Revenue of $8.2M

Dexter, Missouri -  Opening night for "God's Not Dead" The Movie was a big success at the Dexter Twin Cinema.  More than two-hundred movie goers attended the first viewing of the new movie on Friday, with more than eight-hundred scheduled for the remainder of the weekend. 

Amazingly, the box office estimates is fully expected to reach $8.2M, sending a strong message to the movie industry that faith-based audiences want good, wholesome, family films. 

Even with the strong local competition of state playoff action of our beloved  Lady Bearcat Basketball team, the audience at the Dexter Cinema is expected to exceed over 1,000 viewers.

Film producers, Pure Flix Entertainment and Red Entertainment, held high expectation of $5M for the opening weekend.  With a very aggressive marketing campaign via church organizations and social media sources, the movie communities were well tuned in to this weekend's release date.

The movie grabbed additional popularity by connecting to the very popular Duck Commander television series.  Willie Robertson, with his wife Korie, delivered instant recognition and built a frenzy of excitement about the movie.  The Robertson's personal stand for God and family is one of the highlight scenes in both the trailer and the movie. 

/images/2014 Images/GND Middle.png'God's Not Dead' unfolds very common real life challenges that are faced by those in the audience.  The primary setting is based upon a colleges freshman's attempt to prove the existence that God is in fact not dead to his introduction philosophy class.  However, the secondary setting between pastors, missionaries, blog reporters, businessmen, girlfriends and many other everyday life characters are equally meaningful.

The audience is pulled into each character to ask the question, "Have I experienced this in my life?" or "How did I handle this when I did experience this situation?" 

Viewers become emotionally engaged into a fanfare mentality, while pulling for the characters that are striving to do 'the right thing' and becoming disgusted with those characters struggling to make good judgements. 

In fact if you listen closely, you may actually hear the under the tongue, disparaging comments of viewers around you as a few of the movie characters make some poor, uncaring decisions. 

The crossroad of our decisions bring impact upon our own lives and the lives of others.  'God's Not Dead' does a tremendous job of bringing these everyday situations to life on the movie screen. 

Did You Receive A Text From A Friend Stating "God's Not Dead"?

/images/2014 Images/1_GND Iphone.pngYou may  also receive an unexplained text throughout the next two-weeks stating that "God's Not Dead".  You will be called to action at the end of the movie by Willie Robertson to get involved in promoting the movie's message - "God's Not Dead"!!

Friday's 7:00 PM show was the first of two free nights offered by area churches.  As a gift to the community, the participating churches wanted to provide an opportunity for special area residents to have the opportunity to be among the first to see the new movie.  The group will also host another Free Admission night next Friday, March 28th.

Participating churches in the Free Shows are:  Risen Church of Dexter, First Baptist Church of Dexter, Trinity United Methodist Church of Bloomfield, Dexter Assembly of God, Lighthouse Christian Center of Dexter, Bloomfield Assembly of God, St. Joe General Baptist Church, 1st General Baptist Church of Bloomfield, and Liberty Hill General Baptist Church.

Be sure to contact the local theater for tickets and times. 

Last Updated on March 22nd 2014 by Staff Writer

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Governor Kicks Off 2nd 100 Missouri Mile Challenge
March 20th 2014 by Dee Loflin
Governor Kicks Off 2nd 100 Missouri Mile Challenge
Submitted by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor

Missouri - Gov. Jay Nixon and First Lady Georganne Nixon today visited Rock Bridge Memorial State Park in Boone County to launch the second year of the 100 Missouri Miles Challenge. The challenge encourages Missourians to complete “100 Missouri Miles” of physical activity by walking, running, biking, rolling, paddling or hiking throughout Missouri, including Missouri’s State Parks.

“After being recognized as the Best Trails State in the nation last year, the First Lady and I launched the 100 Missouri Miles Challenge to encourage folks to enjoy the tremendous outdoor opportunities the Show-Me State has to offer,” Gov. Nixon said. “This year, we’re again inviting Missourians to get out and get active with their families and friends to make the 100 Missouri Miles Challenge part of a healthy, active lifestyle in 2014.”

In 2013, Missourians taking the Governor’s 100 Missouri Mile Challenge walked, hiked, rode and rolled more than 1,162,000 miles, enough miles to circle the Earth 46 times.

To continue this success, 100MissouriMiles.com will feature an improved user dashboard for logging and tracking miles, new badges and achievements to unlock throughout the year, and an enhanced interface to easily move around the site.  

Last year, the Governor formally launched the 100 Missouri Mile Challenge at the opening ceremony of the Special Olympics Missouri State Summer Games in Columbia. In 2014, Special Olympians will continue to be an important part of the Governor’s initiative.

“Special Olympics Missouri is a proud partner of the Governor’s 100 Missouri Miles Challenge,” said Mark Musso, President & CEO of Special Olympics Missouri. “As an organization that represents more than 17,000 Missouri athletes, we look forward to another great year of getting out and enjoying the beautiful parks, trails and communities here in the Show-Me State.”

During his visit to Rock Bridge Memorial State Park, the Governor also encouraged young Missourians looking for summer employment to apply online with the State Parks Youth Corps (SPYC) program, which is back in 2014 for its fifth year.

“The State Parks Youth Corps gives young Missourians the opportunity to gain valuable job skills, build character and make a tangible difference in Missouri’s great outdoors,” Gov. Nixon said. “This year will be another great opportunity for young men and women to help us keep Missouri’s parks, trails and historic sites among the best in the nation.”

SPYC, a nationally recognized jobs initiative started by Gov. Nixon in 2010 to enhance Missouri’s 87 state parks and historical sites, is a cooperative partnership between the Division of Workforce Development and Missouri State Parks.

SPYC employs eligible Missourians between the ages of 17 and 23 at parks, historic sites and natural areas across Missouri, from May 1 through Dec. 31. Applications for the program are now being accepted online at thinkoutside.mo.gov.

To sign up for the 100 Missouri Miles Challenge and begin logging miles, or to continue an existing account, please visit www.100MissouriMiles.com

Photo provided by the office of Jay Nixon, Governor of Missouri.

Last Updated on March 20th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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God Is Not Dead Huge Success, Begins Friday Night
March 18th 2014 by Staff Writer
God Is Not Dead Huge Success, Begins Friday Night
Dexter, Missouri - Local church youth leaders and ministerial staff have joined together in a cooperative effort to bring the new movie"God's Not Dead" to the Southeast Missouri area.  Over 2,300 pre-booked tickets have been already purchased.

Chris Costin at the Dexter Twin Cinema has worked closely with Josh Miller, Youth Minister at the First General Baptist Church in Bloomfield to create this event for the entire community to enjoy.  They have over 250 attending their events.  Through the local management, the group was led to Bobby Wilson, regional manager of the theater group.

"We have theaters in the area in Jonesboro, Blytheville, Paragould, Dexter and others throughout the Midwest," noted manager BobbyWilson.  "Anytime we get an opportunity to bring a film of this nature to one of our theaters, we are happy to work with area groups to make that happen."

"This has been an incredibly passionate group of leaders that have worked with us for this showing of "God's Not Dead" at the Dexter Twin Cinema,"  continued Wilson. "The response has been tremendous from area churches and groups.  I'm certain it's gonna be a big opening week in Dexter."

"God's Not Dead" will open at the Dexter Twin Cinema on March 21st of this year.  Over 25 groups and area church's have already begun to develop their individual plans of "Family Night At the Movies" with six nights already sold out. 

The organizers of the event are planning a special event on the Friday premier night with the FBC Refuge Van and parking lot activities.  The theater hold 190 people and both Friday nights will be OUTREACH NIGHTS!

Local churches purchased the tickets to be given away to the community to those who either do not attend church or who do not have a relationship with Christ.  The Lighthouse Christian Center, First General Baptist Church of Bloomfield and others will be on hand to answer questions or offer information about attending a local church. 

All church organizations or youth groups are encouraged to get involved with the premier showing of the activities planned for that evening.  For additional information, you can contact Christ Costin at 573-624-6911.  Those area Churches currently involved include;
Bloomfield Churches - Trinity United Methodist Church, 1st General Baptist Church of Bloomfield, Bloomfield Assembly of God, St. Joe General Baptist Church, & First Baptist Church of Bloomfield.

Dexter Churches - First Christian Church of Dexter, Lighthouse Christian Center, First Baptist Church of Dexter, Dexter Assembly of God, Risen Church, 1st General Baptist Church of Dexter, Dexter Lutheran Church, United Methodist Church of Dexter, Sadler's Chapel Methodist Church, and Southwest Church of the Nazarene. 

Bernie Churches - Bernie United Methodist Church.

Aid and Dudley Churches - Liberty Hill General Baptist Church & Dudley Church of God.
Tickets are still available for the following dates and times:
Saturday, March 22nd, 10:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 22nd, 7:00 p.m. and 9:45 p.m.
Sunday, March 23rd, 12:30 p.m., 4:00 p.m.
Monday, March 24th, 7:00 p.m. - just a few seats
Tuesday, March 25th, 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.

The ShowMe Times will help to communicate the availability of tickets and all the activities planned as they become available to us. 

Last Updated on March 18th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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