![Kent Hampton's Capitol Report March 17, 2014](/img_uqp7_910_800.png)
Submitted by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor
Missouri - As top soil has once again made itself visible, school closings have now returned to openings. Businesses and citizens have returned to regular hours and errands, and garden centers along with agriculture are preparing for folks to plant for the upcoming season. March winds typically blow the winter season out and allow the spring season to enter into the picture. To briefly outline, highlights of the House (fyi 2015) budget plans include.
$122 million general revenue increase to K-12 education with a prospected additional increase of $156 million in surplus revenues. $20 million additional dollars for the Access Missouri Scholarship Program. Nearly $7 million for the A+ program. A 3% multi-million dollar increase for funding to Missouri institutions of higher education and additional $10 million to provide equitable funding levels for Missouri community college system.
In the house we understand that education is an economic development tool compiled with a work ethic. Without the latter you only have an education. The need for advanced training and existing jobs along with the technology in creating new opportunities continues to grow.
We were excited this week to have a select group of 4th graders from Caruthersville visit. They were accompanied by teachers and parents. What a well mannered and respectful group they are. We are always thrilled to have visitors from the Bootheel in your Missouri capitol.