
MO National Guard Showcases State Emergency Response Missions
January 28th 2014 by Dee Loflin
MO National Guard Showcases State Emergency Response Missions

Submitted by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Writer

Jefferson City, Missouri - The Missouri National Guard has released an updated version of its state emergency mission history to include missions from 2013 and additional information on the Guard's 7th Civil Support Team.

The 45-page document that covers the Missouri National Guard and its militia predecessors' role in state emergency response efforts dating back to 1808, said Maj. Alan Brown, the Missouri National Guard's command historian. 

"The National Guard is the only military component that has a dual state and federal mission," Brown said. "Historically, we've done a great job of recording our overseas deployments. As Citizen-Soldiers and Airmen, it's equally important that we record and remember what we do at home, too."

Originally released April 2013, the collection is a living document that is updated annually as the Missouri National Guard continues to answer the call to state service, Brown said.

The Missouri National Guard's rich history as a state response force dates back to August 1808, when Pierre Chouteau first organized a troop of cavalry at Yosti's Tavern in Saint Louis. Since then, the Missouri Militia, later the Missouri National Guard has answered the call of both the president and the governor in national defense as well as in times of emergency.

Missouri, located just east of tornado alley, containing two mighty rivers, resting on a 125 mile seismic fault line, and prone to bitterly cold and icy winters is no stranger to emergency response. When situations arise that stretch the ability of civilian response the Missouri National Guard is called upon by the governor to bring stability to affected regions. From reinforcing levies and removing debris to running traffic control points to performing radiation monitoring at the World Series, the Missouri National Guard is an effective and adaptable force that has remained 'Always Ready, Always There' for more than 200 years.

The state emergency duty/ active duty document alongside another document, the Missouri Global War on Terrorism report, highlights the National Guard's dual mission.

"As word gets out about our effort to catalogue our overseas and domestic deployments, our units are sharing more of their history," Brown said. "Our hope is that this will continue so our children and grandchildren know exactly what this generation of Soldiers and Airmen sacrificed for their state and nation."

The Missouri National Guard state emergency mission report can be found by visiting MoGuard.com, clicking on the "Veteran/Retiree" tab and clicking on "Museum of Missouri Military History."

For more information about the Missouri National Guard, please visit www.moguard.com and our social media sites: www.facebook.com/Missouri.National.Guard; www.twitter.com/Missouri_NG; www.youtube.com/MoNationalGuard; www.myspace.com/missouri_ng; www.flickr.com/photos/missouriguard; www.moguard.com/blog; www.pinterest.com/monationalguard/

Last Updated on January 28th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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