Written by
Dee Loflin SMT Manager/Writer
Dexter, Missouri - T.S. Hill Middle School had more students earn All-District Band Honors in the history of the middle school! That's something to be proud of!
Students traveled to Jackson, Missouri to perform individual musical arrangements to earn a spot in the All-District Band and were pleasantly surprised to be top performers!
"The auditions were held Tuesday and our Dexter students performed extraordinarily well!" stated Scott Rybolt, High School Band Director.
"T.S. Hill Middle School had the second highest amount of students in the All District band from any of the schools competing!" stated Rybolt.
2013 Middle School All-District Band!
Hannah Lacy 3rd Chair Flute
Hali Huls - 5th Chair Flute
Victoria Merritt - 4th Chair Clarinet
Katie Cecil - 7th Chair Clarinet
Madelyn Webb - 12th Chair Clarinet
Madalyn Wright - Alternate
Landon Stites - 3rd Chair Alto Saxophone
Shelby Smith - 2nd Chair Tenor Saxophone
Dylan Long - 2nd Chair Baritone Saxophone
Layla Brown - 2nd Chair Trumpet
Travis Propst - 6th Chair Trumpet
Jonni Hill - 3rd Chair French Horn
Chaylee Wilson - 6th Chair French Horn
Noah Rushing - 7th Chair Trombone
Aaron Wells - 1ST CHAIR Euphonium
Matthew Chesser - 1ST CHAIR Percussion option 1
Sean Rybolt - 1ST CHAIR percussion option 2
Mr. Gary Gackstatter of St. Louis Community College – Meramec will be the clinician.
Concert will be held at 7:00 p.m. Parents and the community are encouraged to attend.