Local Schools

Senator Doug Libla Receives Award
November 06th 2013 by Dee Loflin
Senator Doug Libla Receives Award

Submitted by
Dee Loflin SMT Manager/Writer

Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Senator Doug Libla received the Missouri Community College Association's Distinguished Legislator Award at a ceremony held in St. Louis today.

Libla serves Missouri's 25th Senate District, which includes Butler, Carter, Dunklin, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Shannon, and Stoddard counties.  MCCA executive director Zora Mulligan says that Libla was selected to receive the award because of his willingness to stand up for community colleges in the Capitol.  "Community college issues are front and center with Senator Libla.  He cares deeply about our colleges -- and especially Three Rivers College -- but his real focus is on the communities and students our colleges serve.  Senator Libla is truly a courageous leader, and we look forward to continuing to work with him during what we believe will be a very long career in the Capitol."

Three Rivers College president Dr. Devin Stephenson also praised Libla.  "Senator Doug Libla is one of Three Rivers College's strongest advocates," said Stephenson.  "Long before he was elected to public office, Senator Libla championed the work of his alma mater, Three Rivers College, through his generous philanthropy and volunteer service, and continues to promote community colleges in an exemplary manner as our state senator."

The Missouri Community College Association is a statewide organization through which Missouri’s community colleges work together to advance common agendas.  MCCA provides advocacy, education, information, and networking opportunities in service of the state’s 5,700 community college faculty, staff, administrators, and trustees.

Shown in the photo are Dr. Devin Stephenson, President of Three Rivers College, Sen. Doug Libla, and Zora Mulligan, MCCA Executive Director.

Last Updated on November 06th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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