Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor
Dexter, Missouri – History will be made in Stoddard County as the American Legion Post 59 hosts a visit this Saturday from the National American Legion Commander Dan Dellinger of Vienna, Virginia. This may be the first time a sitting Commander has ever visited our area and Darryl LaPierre, local Commander, couldn’t be more proud.
“It’s big for us! He will tour Tom Love’s place at Gobbler Ridge, then visit the Veterans Cemetery and Stars and Stripes Museum before sitting down with us for lunch.” Commented LaPierre. “He will be traveling to Festus, Sikeston, Perryville, Poplar Bluff and St. Louis over four days and for him to spend Saturday with us is just monumental! We are all very honored.”
The morning will begin early at 8:00 a.m. when Dellinger travels to the Disabled Veterans Hunting Facility – Gobbler Ridge Farms in Bloomfield, Missouri. As a part of his tour he will stop and visit with Tom Love and see the beautiful land set aside for disabled veterans.
Then at 9:30 he will visit with Ken Swearengin, Director of the Missouri Veteran Cemetery and will have a personal tour the grounds. It wouldn’t be a complete visit of the area without spending some time with Sue Mayo at the Stars and Stripes Museum.
A luncheon will follow at the Kenady-Hanks Post 59 building with our local Commander, Mr. Darryl LaPierre officiating.
Traveling with the Commander will be Department Commander Tom Goodin, Alt. National Committeeman Kenny Goth, Senior Vice Commander Dennis Woeltje, Department Historian Paul Bennett, Auxiliary President Barbara Sheets, National Commanders’ Aide Bob Renner, National Executive Committeeman Charley Goodin, Department Adjutant Lowry Finley-Jackson, Zone 4 vice Commander Betty Gonzales, and Sons of the American Legion Commander Jay Marsden.
Dellinger is the not only the national commander, but the chief executive officer and official spokesman of The American Legion. He has full power to enforce provisions of the organization’s constitution, by-laws, and resolutions. He was elected on August 29, 2013 in Houston, Texas during the 95th national convention of the nation’s largest veterans organization.
The ShowMe Times will tour with the National Commander on Saturday and will share his experience with the Stoddard County community. We are honored to have him in our area visiting some of our most beautiful resources.

Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor
St. Louis, Missouri - Missouri National Guard helped fans "Breathe Easier" at last night's St. Louis Cardinal's game.
Every World Series is full of breath taking moments, Last night proved that again. Our own Missouri National Guard was there as part of the high security measures to ensure fans' experience is a good one.
The 7th Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team, better known as the "7th C-S-T" swept the entire stadium for any chemical or biological or nuclear threats before any fan entered Busch Stadium.
The team is made up of about two-dozen Missouri National Guardsman. Their mission is to support civil authorities in the event of a WMD attack, or, any other incident that requires their expertise. While we think of most Guardsmen as drilling one weekend a month, with duel careers, this is the 7th C-S-T's full time career.
The team can respond at the request of civilian authorities anywhere in the state and can have an initial response team rolling out of their Jefferson City Armory in less than 90 minutes.
But at last night's game between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Boston Red Sox, they monitored the air, and supported the Civilian Authorities so everyone could have a "fan-tastic" experience.
Thank you Missouri National Guard! We support you!

Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor
Dexter, Missouri - There will be an encore performance of the “Walls of Terror”. If you missed Scott and Angie Laden's haunted barn and woods with live actors a couple of weeks ago, then you can still get in on the action on Saturday, November 2nd.
Their farm is located at 9265 County Road 627 in Dexter. Just go down 3 Mile Road to the end and follow the signs. It's open to the public; however a $5.00 fee is being charged to cover expenses and encourage a repeat performance next year."We hope this could become an annual event for people around here," state Angie Laden.
It's recommended for ages 10 and up, but anyone can attend.
For more information about the Walls of Terror Click Here!

Submitted by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor
Dexter, Missouri – The National Weather Service in Paducah, Kentucky has issued a FREEZE WATCH from late Thursday night through Friday morning. High pressure will build in with a reinforcing shot of cold Canadian air Thursday night. This will cause temperatures to drop to or below freezing across the entire area. A widespread frost will accompany the freeze if the high builds in strong enough to cause skies to clear and winds to diminish sufficiently.
Thursday night lows are forecast in the upper half of the 20s across the North, especially from the highlands of Southeast Missouri toward the interstate 64 corridor of Southern Illinois.
A FREEZE WATCH means sub-freezing temperatures are possible. These conditions could kill crops and other sensitive vegetation.

Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor
Dexter, Missouri – Who has Cardinal spirit? Lloyd Hyten does. He bounces from being retired to keeping himself busy, but no matter what he is doing he never stops loving the St. Louis Cardinals. He created a new online business called Unique Design Apparel, which includes his latest St. Louis Cardinal designs.
The Cardinals have won the World Series 11 times in their history. Owning a unique t-shirt commemorating their success will make you a popular fan! These shirts are not sold anywhere, but right here in Dexter, Missouri.
Lloyd stated, “I have gone through all the hoops to make this a real business from designing a website to get tax ID number, etc. I was in St. Louis and I also checked with them to make sure I am not infringing on any copyright laws. My unique designs are available online or I can deliver them to you if you live close.” His designs are original and thought through down to the smallest detail.
His "What Time Is It?" shirts are a hit. Everywhere he travels, people are asking him about them.
If you would like to purchase a high quality unique Cardinal style shirt just contact Lloyd at lloyd.hyten@yahoo.com or go to his website at http://uniquedesignapparel.com.
Shown in the picture are just a few of his designs. Cheer for the Cardinals in your new look from Unique Design Apparel!