Local News

1st Annual Poker Run and Cook Off Competition
August 18th 2013 by Beth Farrah
1st Annual Poker Run and Cook Off Competition

Written by

Beth Farrah, SMT Writer

Bloomfield, Missouri – The American Legion (Post 114) from Sikeston, is hosting a huge event in Bloomfield, so be sure to mark your calendars! On Saturday, September 7th, they will be hosting the first annual Poker Run and Cook-Off Competition at the Missouri State Veterans Cemetery in Bloomfield. The bikers will be riding and cooking for our very own Missouri state veterans.

The event will be put on by the local American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of American Legion, and Legion Riders. The hosts have labeled this special event as “Rain or Shine”, so no matter what the weather is doing, be sure to stop on by and support the local me and women who risked their lives for our freedom.

Even if you aren’t a bike rider, don’t be shy! Everyone is welcome to come on out on September 7th. If you drive a car, truck, bike, or any other vehicle (that is street legal to ride), you are welcome to join in on the fun.

Registration for the Poker Run

9:00am to 10:00am

Bikes out at 10:00am

Bikes in at 4:00pm

$15 fee per bike or vehicle and $5 per passenger

Cook Off Team Competition

$100 entry fee per team

Contact Jimmy Cantrell at 573-703-5570 for more information and details

Cook teams will be judged on the preparation of ribs, pork steak, and half chicken

American Legion will be providing all the meat needed for the competition

The winners of this event will receive 50% payback along with some trophies

The deadline to enter is coming up fast! The last day to register for the team competition is on Friday, August 30th.

Other festivities will include a Silent Auction, which will begin at 9:00am. Another great event will be the 50/50 raffle drawing which will also start at 9:00am. There will also be dinner that will be served at 5:00pm and will continue to be served until all of the food runs out. If you wish to buy dinner at this event, the cost will only be $5 per plate, which includes: baked beans, meat, slaw, and chips. The meat will be prepared by the cooking teams.

But that’s not all! The event will also have live entertainment which is set to begin at 2:00pm and will end by midnight. The entertainment will be provided by JC and Tyler, The Black Island Band, Hawg Wyld Sound, and others.

Be sure not to miss this great opportunity to support our veterans!


Last Updated on August 18th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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Walk N' Roll Early Learning Center Ribbon Cutting
August 18th 2013 by Dee Loflin
Walk N' Roll Early Learning Center Ribbon Cutting

Written by
Dee Loflin SMT Manager/Writer

Dexter, Missouri - Walk N’ Roll Early Learning Center held their Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting last week.  They are located at 1017 Arvin Road next to  Patrick Roberts, CPA.

The center is open Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. and serves children from birth to 12 years of age.  They also have a before and after school program.

The center offers a certified preschool program for children age’s three to five.  They also have an infant center, a toddler center and a preschool center.  All staff are CPR and first aide certified.

In the photo are City Alderman Jerry Corder, City Administrator Mark Stidham Mayor Joe Weber, Owner Danielle Devers, Chamber Second VP Kevin Bishop, Asst. Mgr. Mary Goodman, Preschool Teacher Jordi Humphrey, Patrick Roberts, CPA, David Green of American National Insurance, and Chamber Executive Director Janet Coleman.

Last Updated on August 18th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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School Board to Meet August 20th
August 18th 2013 by Dee Loflin
School Board to Meet August 20th

Written by
Dee Loflin SMT Manager/Writer

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter School Board will meeting, Monday, August 20th at 6:00 p.m.  This is open to the public; however there are considerations if you want to discuss a topic.

Note:  The public tax rate hearing is scheduled for 5:50 p.m.

The tentative agenda for the regular Board Meeting of the Dexter Public Schools will include Public Comments; however you must pre-register with the Board Secretary prior to the beginning of the Board meeting to present a position on a specific agenda item or you may pre-register with the superintendent in writing at least 5 days prior to the beginning of the Board meeting to present a general comment about a non-agenda item.  Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes with a maximum of 15 minutes allowed for the public comments section. 

Individuals wishing to convey a complaint about procedures, regulations, or personnel will not be scheduled to address the Board until the District’s complaint procedure has been exhausted.  Complaints directed at specific personnel will not be heard in open session.

Old business to be discussed will be policies, bid for door locking mechanisms and installation and the request for proposals for the football stadium entrance.

New business will include 2013-2014 tax levy, set up non-resident tuition rate and approve Special Services Director as District Test Coordinator; Foster Care Coordinator; Homeless Coordinator; 504 Coordinator; Surrogate Parent Coordinator; and Compliance Coordinator of Policy AC which prohibits discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.

Other new business shall include approve School Reach for another two years, approve bus routes, consider tree landscaping proposal, consider HB253 Board Resolution and approve paper bid.

Discussion items shall include Stoddard County Admission Passes, Student Registration Day, Ag Building RFP, MSBA Fall Conference, Food Service Program, Annual Secretary Board Report/Audit, and Kim Bearden – Special Development.

Once the Open meeting has been completed, the Board will enter an Executive Closed Session.

/images/Dexter High School 2013-14/Board Meeting Notice.jpg

Last Updated on August 18th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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CDL Testing Effected by State Law
August 13th 2013 by Dee Loflin
CDL Testing Effected by State Law

Submitted by Jill Temples

SMT Writer

The CDL testing will be effected by a change in the state law.  Federal regulations will take in effect on August 28, 2013.

Colonel Ron Replogle, superintendent of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, would like to inform the public of a change in state law and federal motor carrier safety regulations that applies to commercial vehicle driver’s licenses. Presently drivers applying for a commercial vehicle driver’s license are required to pass a written test and then pass a skills test to obtain the appropriate class of commercial driver's license. Under current law the skills test can be taken on the same day the permit is received.

The new requirement which takes effect August 28, 2013, states that commercial drivers, after passing the required written test(s), must obtain a permit, and maintain the permit for 14 calendar days before they will be allowed to take the skills test, which includes the pre-trip, basic, and road tests.

Questions regarding this new requirement may be directed to the Driver Examination Division, General Headquarters, Jefferson City, at 573-751-2341.

For further information about obtaining a commercial drivers license, please contact: Capt. J. Tim Hull
Q862013 (573) 526-6115

Last Updated on August 13th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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Puxico Homecoming Events
August 12th 2013 by Dee Loflin
Puxico Homecoming Events

Written by Jill Temples

SMT Writer


Puxico, Missouri -The Puxico Homecoming events will begin on Tuesday, August 13th and end on Saturday, August 17th.  Below is the event schedule.





TUESDAY, August 13th

Official Opening                                              10 A.M.

Midway Opens                                                 6:30 P.M.

Bracelet Night                                                  6:30-10:30 P.M.

Pre- Queen Contest Ceremonies                   7:00 P.M.

Little Miss Puxico contest                              7:30 P.M.

Miss Puxico contest                                        Immediately after                                                                                 Little Miss

Attendance Drawing                                       10:30 P.M.

WEDNESDAY, August 14th

Church Night (Veterans Park)                        7:00 P.M.

Bracelet Night                                                  6:30 – 10:30 P.M.

Attendance Drawing                                       10:30 P.M.

THURSDAY, August 15th

Goat Burger Golf Classic                               8:00 A.M

 (Ozark Ridge Golf Course – Poplar Bluff)

Bracelet Night                                                 6:30 – 10:30 P.M.

Bluegrass Music                                             7:00 P.M.

Attendance drawing                                       10:30 P.M.

FRIDAY, August 16th

Baby Contest                                                  10:00 A.M.

Bracelet Night                                                 6:30- 10:30 P.M.

Alumni Meeting                                               6:00 P.M.

(Puxico R- 8 cafeteria)        

Doniphan New Life Singers                           7:00  P.M.

Attendance Drawing                                      11:00 P.M.

SATURDAY, August 17th

Mingo Tractor Club Show                             9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.

Parade                                                            1:00 P.M.

Berry-Glenn Museum Quilt Show                10:00 -4:00 P.M.

Children’s Bracelet Matinee                         1:00 – 4:00 P.M.

Children’s Attendance Drawing                   4:00 P.M

Bracelet Night                                                6:30 – 10:30 P.M.

Iron Mountain Station                                   7:00 P.M.

Attendance Drawing                                     11:00 P.M.

Last Updated on August 12th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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