Submitted by
Beth Farrar, SMT Writer
Essex, Missouri - From the Principals Desk, by Mrs. Cindy Rhodes (Richland High School and Junior High Principal)
Welcome back! It is hard to believe but it is time for school to start once again. We have so many new things happening this year: 6+1 Writing Initiative, BYOD, Archery curriculum and Archery Team, Hunter Safety, Chrome Books, guest access to wifi, a brand new security system, AP History, AP English IV, ALICE Training for students. This is just the beginning of the many things we are bringing to Richland to give our students the edge over others they need to be competitive and successful in the future.
Because of all the many changes, we will be hosting an orientation night on Tuesday, August 12th to share information with parents and the community members. Orientation will be held in the cafeteria. We will have two different groups divided by grade levels. The 7th grade class and parents recently had their very own personal orientation and open house on August 8th. Open house will take place tonight (Tuesday, August 12th), at 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Come join us for free food and a chance to meet the staff!
Richland received two grants recently. Elementary received a grant for a new playground and High School Agriculture received an enhancement grant for new equipment and tools, including a brand new tractor!
Our maintenance crew has worked extrememly hard to get the building ready for the staff and students. Please visit us on Tuesday, August 12th for Open House and Orientation to hear more about the exciting changes happening here at Richland High School and Junior High.
Aside from the new programs we are now offering, we also have a lot of new faces in the high school building this year! Richland is proud to welcome the following new teachers, we can’t wait for you to meet them!
Beverly Hampton – High School Counselor
Ginny Hunter – High School Secretary
Adam Touchette – Technology Director
Stefanie Dennison – High School Math
Hannah Gregory – Junior High Math and High School Science
Kyle Carter – Business and Computers
Amanda King – ISS
Stephanie Raymer – Special Education Assistant
Candy Harper – Cook
Here are some important dates (for all students)
August 30th – Picture Day (Does not include senior composites)
September 10th – Miss RHS
10th Grade – September 6th: Jostens Class Ring Information, September 12th: Jostens Class Ring Order
12th Grade – September 6th: Jostens Graduation Information, September 12th: Jostens Graduation Order