Written by
Beth Farrah, SMT Writer
YouTube has been involved with its viewers since it first began back in 2005. Back in May, YouTube dedicated a whole week to comedians, naming it Comedy Week. That week, the website highlighted hilarious videos, comedians, and YouTube users so that everyone could get a good laugh.
Now, YouTube is promoting Geek Week. And, of course, this special week is being dedicated to science-related videos while throwing in a little video gaming fun and some Star Wars videos into the mix. The website will be launching some type of geeky riddles every morning of this week. You can try to solve the puzzles yourself by logging on to your very own YouTube account.
The riddles, known as “Easter Eggs” are hidden throughout the websites with geeky videos that may be along the lines of these topics: comic books, video games, and IQ Tests. Yesterday, the Easter Egg clue was found, but it was written in a different language. After decoding the Huttese language, the new clue to be searched by all users was: “Use the force, Luke.” All people who searched this phrase in the YouTube search bar found all of their YouTube channels, videos, and items hovering on their internet page.
With more Easter Eggs to be found throughout the week, users are flocking to the website to help decode the daily riddle. Aside from the games and opportunities YouTube is offering for the next few days, many teachers and educators are finding Geek Week very helpful while they are making their yearly plans for their classes.
YouTube is used in many classrooms across the United States because of its variety of videos. Geek Week has been highlighting a bunch of science-related videos, experiments, and helpful study aids for science classrooms for kids and students of all ages.
To help get some science-y classroom tips and ideas, you can get on YouTube and check out their playlists. They have a variety of scientists with their very own YouTube channels and accounts that post easy to do and fun experiments. There are also many lessons and videos to help in all different science classes, including Physical Science, Biology, and Chemistry.
Here’s the schedule for the rest of Geek Week so you can log on and check out their videos:
Blockbuster Sunday, Global Geekery Monday, Brainiac Tuesday, Super Wednesday, Gaming Thursday, Fan Friday, and Best of Saturday.
Be sure to log on and check it out for yourself!