
Mingo Job Corps Civilian Enrollment Freeze Has Ended
July 29th 2013 by Dee Loflin
Mingo Job Corps Civilian Enrollment Freeze Has Ended

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ShowMe Times

Puxico, Missouri - The U.S. Department of Labor placed an enrollment freeze on the Job Corps across the nation in January in response to an estimated $60 million shortfall for the federal job-training program.

The program encountered two consecutive budget deficits after the Labor Department moved the program’s budgeting and procurement operations from the Office of Job Corps to the Employment and Training Division.

For the first time since January, the center near Puxico enrolled 4 new students on July 16th, according to Tim Aslin, Business and Community Liaison at Mingo Job Corps. 

“Many local non-profit groups benefit from the efforts of our students. Our students volunteer a great deal of time to local public events from parking cars at the Stoddard County Fair to assisting the handicapped participate in fishing programs at Lake Wappapello”. added Aslin.

Mingo Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center is a residential vocational and educational training program serving students ages 16 to 24, located near Puxico, Missouri. In addition to seven vocational trades, Mingo Job Corps offers GED or High School attainment, driver’s education, and basic health care all at no cost to the student.

The U.S. Forest Service administrates the program in Southeast Missouri and at 27 other centers across the nation. For more information, call 573-222-3537 or visit

Last Updated on July 29th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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