
Wolf Harvey a Master Artist

Wolf Harvey a Master Artist

Submitted by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Writer

Buffalo, Missouri - Rendezvous folks are like family and when one of us succeeds in life, we try to share their accomplishments with the world.  My friend, Wolf Harvey, is a Missouri-born artist and master creator of Native American art including carving and sculpting. Born not far from the Cherokee Trail of Tears and is perhaps one of the most talented young artists of our time. He resides in Buffalo, Missouri.  His art is truly beautiful!

Few artists can rival the standards of excellence with brilliance, superiority and distinction achieved by Master Artist Wolf Harvey over the past 20+ years. He is truly one of the country's most widely talented, recognized, primitive Native American artists who won First Place at the 36th Annual Trail of Tears Art Show in Tahlequah, Oklahoma in the Sculpture Division.

Wolf Harvey is one of the most sought after primitive, Native American artists and is most popular in Black Powder and Pow-Wow circles and Native American art.

Relief Carving

Mr. Harvey is best known for his diverse artistic abilities. He transforms natural skulls and bones in to masterpieces of art by relief carving and painting. He created a traditional six-hole Native American flute from a bear arm bone with remarkable sound. He carved a life-size snapping turtle sculpture made from cedar and hand-hammered copper shell complete with mastodon ivory claws, a gourd rattle and amber eyes to which the base was a two and a half foot hollow tree with the story of “Grandfather Turtle” painted in it. The turtle stood on a marble top placed over the tree stump.

Flint-knapper, Boat Design, Custom Paddles and Bow Maker /images/Wolf Harvy 2.jpg

In addition to his master sculptor talent, Artist Wolf Harvey is also a flint-knapper, a bow maker, a painter, a knife artist including obsidian, stone, wood, bone, antler, steel, and Damascus knives. He also carves a variety of stone resulting in flutes, pipes and other masterpieces. Wolf has also designed and created boats, kayaks and custom paddles, does custom gun building and other diverse masterpieces. He custom designs accessories for motorcycles from copper, steel and bone as well. He is a jewelry craftsman, and custom clothing designer for Native American Regalia. When it comes to leather, furs and other natural materials, Mr. Harvey has no limits. He invites and thrives on challenges that to most would seem unreachable.

Unparalleled Creativity

Wolf has created, shaped, formed, twisted, painted, sculpted and produced thousands of masterpieces with none mass produced, each piece being unique and exclusive. Mr. Harvey has created a vast amount of inventions that were born with his unprecedented, unparalleled, imagination. His friends say he has mastered all of the aforementioned talents and then some.

His use of earthy, traditional colors and Native American style with art born from his impeccable imagination and his fascinating style is often cited as the reasons for his immense popularity. Truly a modern-day Einstein with talents exceeding any renaissance artist.

Please visit Wolf on his Facebook page. He welcomes questions and comments on his art and invites you to meet him in person at Black Powder Rendezvous. He typically camps at the Old Greenville Rendezvous in April and he might make a surprise visit to the "Rendezvous on the River" in New Madrid, Missouri on October 4th and 5th, 2013.

Click here for Wolf's Facebook Page!


Written by Dee Loflin
Date: July 19th 2013
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