Political Blogs

Gov. Nixon Signs Several New Law Enforcement Bills
June 30th 2013 by Dee Loflin
Gov. Nixon Signs Several New Law Enforcement Bills

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Jefferson City, Missouri -  Gov. Jay Nixon today signed into law several bills relating to law enforcement officers, local governments, tourism, pharmacy owners and transportation.

The Governor signed:

House Bill 418, which modifies the Kansas City Police Employee Retirement Systems to improve funded ratios and lower overall plan costs by creating a Tier II retirement benefit structure for officers and civilians hired on or after August 28, 2013.

House Bill 336, which protects Kansas City police officers and other police department employees' First Amendment rights by allowing them to engage in political activity when they are off duty and not in official uniform. 

House Bill 722, which modifies the retirement system for the St. Louis Police Department by reducing the minimum years of service for officers to be eligible for disability retirement pension under certain circumstances and creating a three member medical board to review applications for disability retirement.

House Bill 404, which adds police officers to the list of workers who are eligible for workers' compensation benefits for medical conditions that are shown to have been directly caused by job-induced psychological stress.

House Bill 451, which allows a county governing body to amend its budget up to twice during the year if there is an unanticipated decline in revenues of two percent or more during the fiscal year.

Senate Bill 282, which, among other provisions, adds emergency medical technicians (EMT) to the list of those persons who may submit a report to the Director of the Department of Revenue regarding a person's competency to operate a motor vehicle.

House Bill 316, which extends the sunset on the funding formula for the Division of Tourism Supplemental Revenue Fund from June 2015 to June 2020.

Senate Bill 126, which codifies in state law the rights of Missouri pharmacy owners to opt not to carry or maintain certain devices or pharmaceuticals within their particular pharmacy.

House Bill 349, which allows an individual licensing a vehicle for 12,000 pounds or greater to request a second license plate.

Last Updated on June 30th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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