Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Writer
Mark was a great friend to Ben and his story is incredible. He was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer. His dog is even named BUZZ!
This love offering was sent thanks to Alan Hedrick, owner of Countywide Insurance of Dexter, Missouri by purchasing a desk plaque and asked that Mark be designated to receive the gift. An idea to have the desk plaque was conceived by Kerry Gilbow, Mark Booker and Matt Mills.
Scott has worked diligently this week sending out "Love Offerings" to those who are fighting cancer. They sent out a record $65,000 this week and today sent an additional 7 love offerings. This brings the total given away to date at $1,003,000!!!
"I hope one day we are raising money for another cause and know that there is a cure for cancer. Until then, we have much work to do and will do all we can to raise our next MILLION in record time," stated Kruse.
This article: WE DID IT! EXCLAIMS SCOTT KRUSE was first published on https:/showmetimes.com.
Written by Dee Loflin
Date: June 07th 2013
Date: June 07th 2013