
Hope Epidemic Event in Sikeston
May 16th 2013 by Beth Farrah
Hope Epidemic Event in Sikeston

Submitted by

Beth Farrah, SMT Writer

Sikeston, Missouri - On May 18, the city of Sikeston will be painted red with people performing acts of kindness and service. The over 1000 volunteers will be wearing their free Hope Epidemic t-shirts they received for signing up. This will be the third year for the Hope Epidemic. The organizers see great community impact through this event each year.

"In 2011, we experienced our worst flood in history. Hope Epidemic took place around that same time and we were able to provide support to the flood victims. This had a ripple effect," says Brad Aycock, one of the organizers.

The volunteers will be serving in many different ways on the 18th, including visits to local nursing homes, taking treats to emergency personnel workers, cleaning up local parks and streets, to name a few. They've added some new projects for this year.

"We'll be providing free groceries to the first 500 people to show up between 9am and 2pm at either of the two distribution points, First Nazarene Church and Lincoln Park. All you have to do is show up," says Aycock. "We will also be building a new gazebo in Lincoln Park. This gazebo will be called the Martin Luther King Hope Pavilion and will be used for events throughout the year." Single moms who have been pre-approved will be getting free oil changes at Tanner Street Church of God.

The day begins with a free breakfast and t-shirt pickup for all volunteers from 7:30-8:30am at First United Methodist Church. Beginning at 8:30, the volunteers will disperse to begin serving on their projects until noon. The event will climax at noon with a free lunch at Lincoln Park for the entire community. There will also be live music. "Everyone is invited to come and eat for free from noon-2pm."

This event is a collaborative effort of fourteen local churches. Funding for Hope Epidemic has been provided by many area businesses and churches. Anyone can serve and is encouraged to signup at The first 1000 to pre-register will receive a free t-shirt.

"There are no strings attached. We will accept nothing in return. Very few things in the world are free anymore. On May 18th, we'll start the epidemic that we hope will continue. This army of volunteers is passionate about changing the world; beginning right here in SE Missouri," says Aycock.

For more info visit or call 573.421.1824.

Last Updated on May 16th 2013 by Beth Farrah

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