Local Schools

TRC Center at Dexter Recognized at ACE Awards
May 07th 2013 by Dee Loflin
TRC Center at Dexter Recognized at ACE Awards
Submitted by
Dee Loflin SMT Manager/Writer

Poplar Bluff, Missouri - The success of Three Rivers College comes from the combined efforts of its faculty and staff, partners, and supporters.  The college celebrated these efforts April 26th at the 3rd Annual ACE Awards, a gal for college personnel to recognize achievements, contributions and excellence.

Selected for the President’s IMPACT Award were the directors of Three Rivers’ four full-service centers:  Bill Hampton, Director of the Center at Dexter; Connie Hampton, Director of the Center at Malden; Missy Marshal, Director of the Center at Sikeston; and Ann Matthews, Director of the Center at Kennett.

Together and individually, our center directors have made a significant impact in the past year.  They have done an outstanding job of reaching out to surrounding communities and making them feel included in the Three Rivers family. 

They have made Three Rivers more visible and more highly regarded by building relationships that demonstrate how we care about those communities.  Their efforts are a key to an enrollment shift that this spring saw more credit hours generated out-of-district than in-district.  Quite the accomplishment and congratulations to all four of these educators.

Many other awards were celebrated, including the Outstanding Student Support and it was awarded to the Dexter Center Director Bill Hampton.  It was a wonderful evening of recognition and fellowship to all of the staff of Three Rivers College.

Last Updated on May 07th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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