Soapin' For A Cause! at the Corner Cottage
April 25th 2013 by Dee Loflin
Soapin' For A Cause!  at the Corner Cottage

Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Writer

Dexter, Missouri - Join Chad and Nikki Gaylord, creators of the Gaylord Soap Co., for a fun-filled day introducing the new Dirty Birdie soap at the Corner Cottage in Dexter.

This soap was created to help benefit the 18 Fore Life Foundation and is the latest creation from Gaylord Soap Co.  Come in and show your support for this amazing organization and visit with Chad and Nikki Gaylord about their great line of soap products.  50% of the proceeds go directly to 18 Fore Life.

A percentage of proceeds of all soap products sold that day will be donated to 18 Fore Life. We will be serving up yummy refreshments and have other surprises in store for you!!

"We began making soap about three years ago as just something fun to do on a weekend.  That one 4-hour soap-making class turned into a passion and so it began.  Most of our friends and all of our family got soap of some kind as a gift that year and of course we asked for feedback.  We began experimenting with soap recipes and finally came up with a recipe that we liked.  We didn't want to just copy someone else's recipe - we wanted to be original!  Gaylord Soap Co. didn't actually become a full-fledged business until 2012.  We love making all-natural soap and we love the fact that we are able to offer people a choice that doesn't contain all the chemicals that commercial soaps do.  As we have begun expanding our product line, we continue to strive to make all-natural, quality products that enhance and make our customers lives better," from the Gaylord's website.

The event begins at 10:00 a.m. and lasts until 2:00 p.m.  The Corner Cottage is located at 1424 W. Bus. Hwy 60 in Dexter.

Last Updated on April 25th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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