Political Blogs

Kander Celebrates First 100 Days in Office
April 25th 2013 by Beth Farrah
Kander Celebrates First 100 Days in Office

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Beth Farrah, SMT Writer

Jefferson City, Missouri - Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander today issued a report on his first 100 days in office. From his first day in office, Kander hit the ground running as Missouri's 39th Secretary of State.

"I'm grateful to Missourians for granting me the opportunity to serve as Secretary of State," Kander said. "These first 100 days were just the beginning. I am committed to working for Missourians every day of my term, and improving this state and this office during that time."

Kander's accomplishments have been outlined in "The first 100 days: A report on early accomplishments of Missouri's 39th Secretary of State." This report highlights efforts made by the Secretary of State's office to help Missourians since Kander was sworn in on January 14.

A few of the accomplishments highlighted include the return of thousands of dollars for Missouri investors, and the disbursement of more than $1 million in grants to public libraries. Kander was instrumental in the introduction of several pieces of legislation, including one that would assist veterans starting a business and another to allow early voting in Missouri. Kander has also upgraded office policy to protect employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation.

The report which is available on the Secretary of State's website: www.sos.mo.gov/100DayReport.pdf.

Last Updated on April 25th 2013 by Beth Farrah

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