DHS Bearcats Head to State Wrestling Tournament
February 13th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter, Missouri - Seven members of Bearcat Wrestling team will be traveling to Columbia, Missouri for the upcoming State Wrestling Tournament. They will be competing at the Mizzou Arena on Thursday, February 14th, Friday, February 15th and the Championship rounds on Saturday, February 15th.Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
The State Championships consist of the top four competitors in each weight division. So there are going to a lot of matches over the next few days. Tyler Wagner from YHCtv stopped by the Dexter High School to interview these talented athletes and their coach yesterday. The ShowMe Times was on hand to hear the interviews and chat with the wrestlers.
Head Wrestling Coach Sneed stated, "We will have three district champions representing Dexter on the mats at the State level. We also finished second at the Class2, District 1 Tournament this past weekend in Ste. Genevieve."
Storm Massey is a Freshman at Dexter High School and is in the 126 lb weight class. He placed 3rd in the Districts and this is his first time going to the State Championships. His record is 23-13 for the season.
James Mullins is also a Freshman at Dexter High School and is in the 120 lb weight class division. He place 2nd at Districts and this is also his first time going to Columbia for the State Championships. His record is 24-12 this season.
Another Freshman at Dexter High School and is also his first time competing at the State level is Ethan Stevens. He will be competing in the 145 lb class division and placed 1st at the District level. His record is 33-13 on the season.
"We have a very talented group of Freshman and I see more success as they get better and more experienced," commented Coach Sneed.
Cameron Craft, a 285 lb weight class competitor is a Sophomore at Dexter High School and this will be his first time competing in Columbia at the State level.
Dylan Bazarian, who was not present during the YHCtv interview with Tyler Wagner, is also a Sophomore at Dexter High School and this is his second time competing at the State level. he finished 1st at Districts and competes in the 152 lb weight class division.
Trevor Waldner is the only Junior at Dexter High School that is competing this year at State. He has had an awesome season this year with a record of 45 wins and only 2 losses. He placed 1st at District in his weight division and this is his 3rd year to compete in Columbia. He is ranked #4 in the State for his 132 lb weight class.
Logan Quertermous is Dexter's only Senior competing this year at the State Wrestling Championships. He placed 2nd at District and is ranked 17th in Class 2. His weight class is 182 lbs. During his interview with YHCtv he stated, "This should be a good match and I am very excited about being at the State level. It's the first time for me."
Coach Sneed expressed his exuberance as he is taking seven wrestlers this year, two more than last year. "I expect several of these boys to bring home a medal or two. We have a very talented group of young men and I am proud of each and every one of them for getting to this level."
The Dexter community and wrestling fans from all over wish them much luck as they head to Columbia for State Championship Wrestling!
Last Updated on February 13th 2013 by Dee Loflin