![Dexter Student Shelby Edwards Elected to Area FFA Office](/img_uoea_910_800.jpg)
Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
Dexter, Missouri - Officer interviews were held at Twin Rivers High School on Wednesday, January 30th. Current Area Officers conducted the interviews of the area candidates from 17 FFA Chapters in Area 16.
Shelby Edwards, a junior at Dexter High School, and a member of the Dexter FFA chapter was elected to the office of Sentinel for the Area 16 FFA Association for the 2013-2014 year.
Ronnie Shipman, Agriculture Instructor at Dexter High School and FFA Advisor noted, "Shelby has been a member of the Dexter Future Farmers of America for the past three years and is quite active in FFA."
Brianna Madigan and Storm Massey served as voting delegates and students Trevor Link and Garette Kyle went to observe how interviews are conducted.
Shelby will be installed into her office at the Area 16 Banquet that will be held at Poplar Bluff, Missouri on March 19th.
Congratulations Shelby! The Dexter community wishes you well in your new position.
![Three Rivers College Releases Fall 2012 Dean's List](/img_uoe4_910_800.jpg)
Submitted by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
Dexter, Missouri - Three Rivers College has released its Dean’s List for the Fall 2012 semester. This honor is awarded to students taking 12 or more credit hours in a semester and those students also have achieved a G.P.A. of 3.5 or above.
Dean’s List honors are also used at graduation to help determine eligibility for honors or highest honors.
Three Rivers College is committed to contributing to the quality of life in Southeast Missouri with quality, affordable higher education opportunities and community services that support and encourage the economic, civic, and cultural vitality of the region. For more information about college and workforce programs and upcoming events, visit trcc.edu.
Jacob Madigan is a 2012 Dexter High School graduate and this is his first semester at Three Rivers College in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Congratulations Madigan!!
Dexter, Missouri Students:William Andrews, Tyler Batchelor, Daniel Braden, Tammy Bradley, Garry Brady, Alexandra Dale, Christopher Fernandes, Jamie Granger, Jennifer Hankins, Ethan Hindman, Lindsey Hindman, Scott Hindman, Curtis Holt, Ashley Hunsaker, Julie Jackson, Rodney Jennings, Mindy Joseph, Brennen Justice, Sylvia Kersey, Thad King, Rosa Lara, Jacob Madigan, Hannah Mathis, Corbin Matthews, Crystal Miller, Matthew Miller, Gwendolynn Oliva, Stacy Philpott, Stephen Powell, Hilma Reyes, Maygan Roberts, Kaitlyn Seiberlich, Austin Stacy, Tony Stephens, Anna Stevens, Cherie Swirple, Kayla Taylor, Cassie Templemire, Jeff Voss, Kendra Whiles, Kecia Wyatt, Kaitlyn Yates, and Jennifer Zimmerman.
Other Stoddard County Students: Martin Dames, Advance, MO; Emily Caldwell, Bell City, MO; Eryn Jones, Bell City, MO; Carissa Cluck, Bernie, MO; Austin Hatchel, Bernie, MO; Jessica Hunt, Bernie, MO; Brandy Johnson, Bernie, MO; Mark McKuin, Bernie, MO; Dana Neuhaus, Bernie, MO; Eric Norden, Bernie, MO; Samuel Pruitt, Bernie, MO; Tia Pruitt, Bernie, MO; Thomas Shepard, Bernie, MO; Brandy Thompson, Bernie, MO; Joshua Abner, Bloomfield, MO; Lisa Baker, Bloomfield, MO; Dylan Cooper, Bloomfield, MO; Joshua Eye, Bloomfield, MO; Kathy Love, Bloomfield, MO; Jamie Mays, Bloomfield, MO; Emily McClellan, Bloomfield, MO;
Melody Patrick, Bloomfield, MO; Kodie Patterson, Bloomfield, MO; Robin Patterson, Bloomfield, MO; Jean Pearson, Bloomfield, MO; Sandra Pilcher, Bloomfield, MO; Kayla Powell, Bloomfield, MO; Laura Reynolds, Bloomfield, MO; Tammy Starnes, Bloomfield, MO; Erika Thomlinson, Bloomfield, MO; Ladena Wilkison, Bloomfield, MO; Ashley Williams, Dudley, MO; Parker Evans, Essex, MO; Brittany Johnson, Essex, MO; Caitlyn Mayberry, Essex, MO; Nathan McGhee, Essex, MO; Linda Rivera, Essex, MO; Jon Woods, Parma, MO; Michael Bowling, Puxico, MO; Nicole Cornelison, Puxico, MO; Jesse Cupp, Puxico, MO; Peggy Fowler, Puxico, MO; Tyler Gholson, Puxico, MO; Jerrie Ketcherside, Puxico, MO; Kerry McClure, Puxico, MO; Matthew Roberts, Puxico, MO; Michele Robertson, Puxico, MO; Ryan Robertson, Puxico, MO; Juanita Stroup, Puxico, MO; Erin Thompson, Puxico, MO; Jennifer Van-Es, Puxico, MO; Matthew Wallace, Puxico, MO; and Ryan Winingnear, Puxico, MO.
Congratulations to all of the Three River College students who made the Dean's List. This is quite an achievement and the Stoddard County community is very proud of you.
![FAFSA Frenzy, High School Graduation Coming Soon](/img_uodv_910_800.jpg)
Submitted by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Three Rivers College will host a “FAFSA Frenzy” event from 2 – 4 p.m. in the A-building,(Westover Administration Building),1st floor on Sunday, February 17th to help potential colleges students fill out their Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
This event is co-sponsored by the Missouri Department of Higher Education and is designed to help college student complete the FAFSA. Those who attend will receive hands-on assistance from financial aid advisers from Three Rivers College. You will also receive information on grants, loans, and scholarships available at the federal, state, and college levels.
Students who attend the event will be entered to win a state scholarship, provided they enroll in a Missouri post-secondary program in the fall. Enrolling at Three Rivers College is not required and any potential students wanting to participate are welcome.
State of Missouri students are encouraged to complete the online FAFSA as early as possible; however the deadline is April 1st for both state and federal financial aid.
Participants should bring their 2012 W-2 forms, as well as copies of their 2012 tax forms if ready. If parents and/or students have not yet filed their 2012 returns, they should bring any statements of interest earned in 2012, any 1099 forms, and any other forms required to complete taxes.
Students should also obtain a student PIN and parent PIN online at www.pin.ed.gov before attending the event.
For more information on the event, visit www.dhe.mo.gov/ppc/fafsa_completion.php.
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“FAFSA Frenzy” is part of the College Goal Sunday program, a 37 state volunteer initiative that seeks to provide information and assistance to families seeking financial aid for post-secondary studies. This is the 10th year that Missouri has held statewide events to help with FAFSA completion, with 55 events being held at high schools and post-secondary education centers across the state.
More than 9,500 Missouri students have received help at such events during the last nine years, 65% of whom were low-income, minority, and first generation college students.
![Three Rivers Physical Therapy Assistant Program](/img_uodh_910_800.jpg)
For those of you that are interested in Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA) training, whether you are preparing to graduate high school this spring or have graduated during previously years and are hoping to return to school, should act now—and fast! The deadline for this program is February 15th.
Three Rivers College is offering a two part education for PTAs that will only take two years to complete. Three Rivers has teamed up with the Missouri Health Professions Consortium along with Linn State Technical College to make this program a great success. The program takes place in Poplar Bluff, where the students enrolled there at Three Rivers College will have the chance to complete their general studies courses during their first year in the PTA program (the general studies portion is also referred to part one of two of the program).
To be officially finished with part one of the program, general education classes must be completed and the required medical and health classes must be passed and completed also. When the general studies requirements are met, the enrolled students of the program will continue into their second year at Three Rivers to complete the second phase before moving onto their bright future.
The second year will include the lecture courses that are needed to be a PTA. The lectures will be obtained by the enrolled students from Linn State Technical College through interactive television feed or ITV classes. Not all classes will be taken through ITV courses, the program also includes hands-on labs and clinical practice that will take place on the Three Rivers campus. It is important for the PTA students to get familiar and to get the practice they need in a secure and supervised fashion.
Physical therapy is a job that has had an exploding growth rate over the past couple of years. Due to the baby boomers getting up in age, both physical therapists and PTAs are needed. Missouri, along with many other states across the nation, does not have a high percentage of PTAs or Physical Therapists, causing a large opening of jobs and opportunities for the students or graduates wishing to head into this field. Aside from the baby boomers, there are also many other people who need physical therapy due to sport injuries or slow recoveries from many other injuries. Missouri has not been able to meet the needs for the PTAs or Physical Therapists, but the combination of both Three Rivers College and Linn State have produced a very successful program to help with the high demand.
Three Rivers had the space and the general studies classes set up and ready to go but they knew that they needed an extra helping hand if they were to start up and succeed in a Physical Therapist Assistant program. Linn State has been running a flourishing PTA program for a fairly large number of years and they are one of few community colleges that offer a PTA program for their students. Their PTA program has received a passing rate of 94% on the state board exams and holds a very high job placement for their graduates. It was an obvious choice when the two colleges shook hands and agreed to work together to produce an even bigger and better program for their current and future students.
Three Rivers and their partners in their PTA program are currently accepting applications for the class of 2013. The program is only accepting twelve to fourteen students who will attend Three Rivers College in the fall semester of 2013 and will start part one of the PTA program by enrolling in the general studies classes. If you wish to attend this program in the fall, you must meet the following requirements when you apply: a minimum ACT score of 18, a written essay, recommendations, completing 40 hours of physical therapy observations (in two different locations), and attending an information session. The next informational session will take place on February 20th.
For more information, you can visit linnstate.edu or trcc.edu.
![Three Rivers Announces New Nursing Scholarship](/img_uodg_910_800.jpg)
Poplar Bluff, Missouri - With the school year and its students halfway into the third quarter, seniors of the 2013 class are both applying to colleges and applying for scholarships. This year, Three Rivers College is proudly announcing that they have created a new scholarship for this year’s seniors planning on attending Three Rivers in Poplar Bluff.
As the medical and healthcare field is growing rapidly, Missouri and the other states have a high demand for nurses and other medical field workers. Three Rivers has created their new scholarship as an opportunity for incoming freshmen of the 2013 fall semester to help any graduate from Malden High School or any other high school a part of Dunklin County Schools that have decided to become registered nurses.
The scholarship has officially been named the Florina Carlstrom Memorial Scholarship after Mrs. Carlstrom and a large donation from the Carlstrom’s estate. This donation will help provide funding and tuition for participants from Malden that are intending on taking classes or participating in Nursing and Allied Health Program at Three Rivers.
Florina Carlstrom isn't new to the medical business. In fact, she has had a major role in Southeast Missouri’s health care and began her work decades ago after marrying Dr. Graydon Carlstrom in the mid 1930’s. Mr. Carlstrom passed in the 1950’s, when Mrs. Carlstrom decided to become a nurse after working side by side with her husband as a bookkeeper, nurse, and office assistant.
Mrs. Carlstrom was accepted into a nursing program in Poplar Bluff and received her LPN and spent many more years in Southeast Missouri, working in the healthcare industry and medical field. Among Mrs. Calstrom’s many successes in her career, she also participated as a member on the State Board of Nursing and in the Missouri State Ombudsman Program. Mrs. Calstrom died in on September 7th of 1996 in Malden after a long life of pursuing her dreams in the medical field.
Any student or graduate from Malden High School or Dunklin County Schools that is wishing to apply for the Florina Carlstrom Memorial Scholarship can contact Malden High School’s counselor’s office at 573-276-5794 or call the Three Rivers’ Financial Aid Office at 573-840-9606. For more information on the nursing and health programs being offered at Three Rivers in the 2013 fall semester, you can visit trcc.edu.
The Three Rivers Endowment Trust received Mrs. Calstrom’s donation and is using the scholarship to further the education of current and future students wishing to attend Three Rivers College. The Endowment Trust provides support for both students, businesses, and the school itself. To donate to the college’s projects, scholarships, or other needs, contact the Endowment Trust Executive Director Emily Parks at 573-840-9077.