Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
Dexter, Missouri - Officer interviews were held at Twin Rivers High School on Wednesday, January 30th. Current Area Officers conducted the interviews of the area candidates from 17 FFA Chapters in Area 16.
Shelby Edwards, a junior at Dexter High School, and a member of the Dexter FFA chapter was elected to the office of Sentinel for the Area 16 FFA Association for the 2013-2014 year.
Ronnie Shipman, Agriculture Instructor at Dexter High School and FFA Advisor noted, "Shelby has been a member of the Dexter Future Farmers of America for the past three years and is quite active in FFA."
Brianna Madigan and Storm Massey served as voting delegates and students Trevor Link and Garette Kyle went to observe how interviews are conducted.
Shelby will be installed into her office at the Area 16 Banquet that will be held at Poplar Bluff, Missouri on March 19th.
Congratulations Shelby! The Dexter community wishes you well in your new position.