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Joseph Greer To Perform at Dhafer's Friday Evening
January 11th 2013 by Dee Loflin
Joseph Greer To Perform at Dhafer's Friday Evening
Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer

Dexter, Missouri - If you have not had the opportunity to witness Joseph Greer's musical talents, you will not want to miss this occasion tonight. 

Joseph will be entertaining on keyboard at Dhafer's Mediterranean Steakhouse, Friday evening between the hours of 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Joseph is quite the talented high school student who is building a reputation as a local musician. 

A senior now at Dexter Senior High School and preparing for graduation, Joseph is not only talented on the keyboard, but plays the saxophone as well.  He jams with the Dexter Jazz Cats and he has consistently received accolades at the district and state levels for his ability to play saxophone as well as the piano.

He recently auditioned for the Missouri State Band and Jazz Band in Columbia, Missouri where he was named the All State Jazz Piano Player.  He will be performing at Tan-Tar-A, in the Lake of the Ozarks with the All State Jazz Band at the MMEA Conference.  This conference is attended by thousands of music educators from across Missouri.  The performance will take place on Saturday, January 26, 2013. 

This is a must see performance at Dhafer's Mediterranean Steakhouse, which is located at 117 S. Locust in Dexter.  They have a wonderful selection of fine foods and wines.  This is the perfect restaurant to bring your family and friends and you will enjoy an evening of memorable music.

Last Updated on January 11th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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Rock and Roll Up Your Sleeve Blood Drive
January 10th 2013 by Dee Loflin
Rock and Roll Up Your Sleeve Blood Drive

Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer

Dexter, Missouri - KFVS12 Heartland Blood Drive is under way and the Fraternal Order of Eagles on Old Hwy 25 is having a Blood Drive January 10th and 11th from 2 p.m. - 7 p.m. and January 12th from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.   This year’s drive is sponsored by Subway.

“The annual KFVS12 Heartland Blood Drive follows a critical shortage of blood products, “ says Scott L. Caswell, CEO of the American Red Cross Missouri-Illinois Blood Services Region.  “We applaud KFVS12 and their viewers for answering the call to help patients in need.”

Call 1-800-RED CROSS or go to www.redcrossblood.org, sponsor-code KFVS12, to schedule an appointment to donate blood, and help save lives at the blood drive nearest you. 

Potential donors must be 17 years old (16 with a signed American Red Cross parental consent form); meet weight requirements and be in good health.  Donors should remember to bring a picture ID.

All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients.  Blood donations typically decline during the winter months, due to factors such as holiday travels, inclement weather, and seasonal illnesses.

Last Updated on January 10th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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Aaron's Ribbon Cutting and Dedication Ceremony
January 10th 2013 by Dee Loflin
Aaron's Ribbon Cutting and Dedication Ceremony

Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer

Dexter, Missouri - Aaron’s just opened a new store and is now a Chamber Member in Dexter.  They recently opened at 907 Hwy Business 60 West just behind Family Video.   General Manager, Richard Wright stated “Dexter is a great location and we offer a guaranteed low price on brand name furniture, appliances, tv’s and computers.  You don’t need credit which will help many folks build or establish their credit.”

Aaron’s is dedicated to providing the following to all of their customers: everyone’s pre-approved for lease ownership – there is no credit needed, you get a guaranteed low price on everything you choose, options of 12, 18, 24 month plans or 120 days same as cash, receive highest level of service, a large selection of brand names you trust, and delivery and set up are included with your new lease agreement.

Aaron’s always says, “Nobody Beat’s Aaron’s…..Nobody”.   In fact, Aaron’s will beat any advertised price on the identical item or they will give you $100.00 cash. 

Aaron’s is not to be viewed as a rent-to-own store.  They offer quality name brand items such as Sharp, Toshiba, Samsung, Frigidaire, Panasonic, HP, and Maytag at the lowest possible price./images/Aaron's 2 Richard Wright.jpg

Aaron’s began in 1955 by entrepreneur Charles Loudermilk, Sr. and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.  A national leader in the sales and lease ownership of residential furniture, consumer electronics, and home appliances as there are over 2,000 company-operated and franchised stores in 48 states and Canada.

For consumers with income or credit constraints, Aaron’s affordable and flexible payment program is a popular alternative path to owning. 

If you have questions, call 573-614-4694 or stop by and see their beautiful array of furniture.   They are open Monday – Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday 10 – 8 and Saturday 10 – 5.  They are closed on Sundays.  You may also preview their merchandise online at http://www.aarons.com/store-F1288-Dexter-MO.aspx.

Last Updated on January 10th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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Gaige Willems, Fight Like A Champ All Stars Pageant, Fundraiser
January 10th 2013 by Dee Loflin
Gaige Willems, Fight Like A Champ All Stars Pageant, Fundraiser
Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer

Dexter, Missouri - The holidays were a little different this past year for Gaige and his family.  On December 3, 2012, his mother, Misty, learned that his leukemia (Acute Lymphblastic) had returned for the second time.  Since that day, the community has come together to support and pray for the Willems family. 

A Facebook page has been created, "Gaige's Battle Off The Court" to follow his progress and to send prayers to Dexter's Young Hero!  He is currently receiving treatment at St. Louis Children's Hospital.

As most people realize, medical treatment can be extremely expensive and the many trips back and forth to St. Louis will take a toll on anyone's pocketbook. 

This Saturday, January 12, 2013, Smiling Face Pageants is sponsoring "Fight Like A Champ All Stars Pageant" fundraiser.  The attire is sport wear and the cost is $25.00.  To get in the door it's only $3.00. This event will take place at 4:00 pm at the Eagles Club in Dexter. 

There will be bouncers, food and drink, booths and a silent auction.  You can also pre-register or if you need more information you may call Brandi Long at 573-625-3818 or by email smilingfacespageants@yahoo.com. 
All proceeds go to Gaige and his family.

Last Updated on January 10th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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Story Tellers: Behind the Songs
January 09th 2013 by Unknown
Story Tellers: Behind the Songs
Written by
Jessica Snider, SMT Writer

Next Saturday, January 19th, a once in a lifetime show is going to be held in the Notre Dame High School.

Not only is this a once in a lifetime show, but also by attending, you are helping a wonderful cause.

The show has been called, “Story Tellers Behind the Songs: Nashville for a Cause.”

The show will consist of five Nashville Legends reaching out to help the Joe Hoffman family of Jackson, Missouri.

The Hoffman family has been hit hard by cancer recently, and you can help by simply attending this show.

The Nashville Legends will come together and perform legendary hits they have written for legendary country stars.

A couple of the hits you may know are: George Strait’s “Baby Blue,” written by Aaron Barker, and also Kenny Chesney’s “Don’t Blink” and Toby Keith’s “Love Me If You Can,” written by Chris Wallin.

The show will start at 6:00 P.M. in the Notre Dame High School. There is a $10 entry fee, and all donations go to help the Joe Hoffman Family of Jackson, Missouri.

You don’t want to miss this once in a lifetime show!

Last Updated on January 09th 2013 by Unknown

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