Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
Dexter, Missouri - KFVS12 Heartland Blood Drive is under way and the Fraternal Order of Eagles on Old Hwy 25 is having a Blood Drive January 10th and 11th from 2 p.m. - 7 p.m. and January 12th from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. This year’s drive is sponsored by Subway.
“The annual KFVS12 Heartland Blood Drive follows a critical shortage of blood products, “ says Scott L. Caswell, CEO of the American Red Cross Missouri-Illinois Blood Services Region. “We applaud KFVS12 and their viewers for answering the call to help patients in need.”
Call 1-800-RED CROSS or go to www.redcrossblood.org, sponsor-code KFVS12, to schedule an appointment to donate blood, and help save lives at the blood drive nearest you.
Potential donors must be 17 years old (16 with a signed American Red Cross parental consent form); meet weight requirements and be in good health. Donors should remember to bring a picture ID.
All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. Blood donations typically decline during the winter months, due to factors such as holiday travels, inclement weather, and seasonal illnesses.