Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
Dexter, Missouri – The National Wild Turkey Federation recently honored the Dexter’s chapter of the NWTF with the 2012 Show Me Award, Wheelin’ Membership, 3rd place.
The Crowley’s Ridge Limbhangers are proud they placed 3rd in the state of Missouri. "With 125 banquets total throughout the state they place within the top three. That is a big accomplishment for such a small chapter," stated Kyle Ouzts, Chapter President and local veterinarian.
The award is based on the number of memberships the chapter acquires during their annual banquet. This year the Annual National Wild Turkey Federation Banquet and Auction will be held on Saturday, January 19th at the Elks Lodge beginning at 6:30 pm.
One goal for this year’s banquet is to sign-up 100 students under the age of 17 into the JAKE’s Program. JAKES, which stands for Juniors Acquiring Knowledge, Ethics and Sportsmanship, is dedicated to educating and involving youth in wildlife conservation. Each student will receive the JAKES Country Magazine at no cost. If you are 17 years or younger and you like hunting, fishing, hiking, camping or just being outside with your family, JAKES is the program for you. There are JAKES and Xtreme JAKES. JAKES are 12 years and younger and Xtreme JAKES are 13 – 17 years of age.
The Crowley’s Ridge Limbhangers who sponsor the banquet utilize proceeds to hold a JAKE’s Day, which is held east of Bloomfield in the Holly Ridge Conservation Area. Other monies from the event will go to enhance habitat for wild turkeys and other wildlife in Southeast Missouri as well as other outdoor activities and wildlife education.
Along with the banquet, the Limbhangers host an auction that offers a variety of sculptures, artwork, home furnishing, luggage, collectibles, a generator, backstrap ground blind, various NWTF shirts and several knives.
The NWTF banquet auction would not be complete without the many raffles throughout the evening. The “Rifle of the Year” raffle is limited to 200 raffle tickets and is a Browning A-Bolt Medallion, .30-06. There will be two other weapons, one being a 9 mm pistol to raffle during the banquet.
A silent auction of many items including collectibles, knives, and other items donated by businesses will be held as well as the live auction.
Don’t despair ladies, there will be plenty of prizes for the women as well. Each year there is a special “Ladies” table with lots of items chosen especially for you. Of course you can always play the many raffles during the banquet and bid at the auctions as well.
Business or individual sponsorships are available, you may also choose to sponsor a table for eight. Special advertising spots can be purchased by businesses or individuals prior to the event.
Tickets can be obtained in advance or at the door.
If you are interested in volunteering at the banquet or helping set-up prior to the event, have further questions about the banquet or auction, or would like to sponsor this awesome event, please contact Dr. Kyle Ouzts, Stoddard County Animal Clinic, 573-258-0770 or Dee Loflin, 573-380-3318 or Dale Kemp, 573-624-1283. You may also go online to www.nwtf.org/special_events/CoreItems.php to view some of the items that will be available for auction.

Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
Dexter, Missouri – The Dexter Family Eye Care hosted this month's Chamber Business After Hours with delicious food, desserts and drinks. Dr. Howard and Dr. Mayberry also invited everyone to their Ribbon Cutting Celebration as they have moved to their new location on One Mile Road.
Dr. Jennifer Howard is originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma and attended the University of Tulsa where she earned her Bachelors of Biochemistry and Bachelors of Arts in Environmental Policy.
She then moved to St. Louis to attend the University of Missouri – St. Louis College of Optometry where she graduated in 2008. Following graduation she pursued her Masters of Public Health and earned that degree in 2010 from A.T. Still University.
Jennifer is devoted her family and the Dexter community. She has a son named Sam and husband, David who is owner of Heartland Crop Consults, LLC. She has also traveled abroad to Tanzania on two medical trips and hopes to continue her mission work.
Dr. Kathryn Mayberry is a native of Dexter, Missouri graduating high school in 2002. She attended Harding University and graduated in 2008 with a Doctorate of Optometry from the University of Missouri – St. Louis College of Optometry. She also completed her Masters of Business Administration in 2010 from Harding University.
Along with her sister-in-law, Dr. Jennifer Howard, she too completed a medical trip to Tanzania, Africa and hopes to continue her mission work. For those of you who are St. Louis Cardinal fans, so is Dr. Mayberry. You might want to strike up a conversation during your appointment!
If you are not familiar with the Dexter Family Eye Care, they offer comprehensive eye examinations, contact lenses, optical dispensing, laser vision correction, and surgery co-management. Both doctors also treat eye infections, eye injuries, and dry eyes as well as manage treatment for those who have cataracts, glaucoma and diabetes. If you have low vision or require vision therapy, Dr. Howard, Dr. Mayberry or their staff can provide additional products, services, and familiarize you with how to use specific equipment to help with your vision.
Need new glasses, contacts sports eyewear or even sunglasses; Dexter Family Eye Care has you covered. Their office offers an array of eyeglass lenses to meet anyone’s individual vision requirements. As you enter the building you will see a wide range of frame styles for men, women and children. And for those of you who gave up wearing glasses and have contact lenses; they have the most comfortable options available including various colors to choose from!
Throughout 2013 when you buy one complete pair of lenses you get a second pair of lenses half off when you purchase a second frame. Buy an annual supply of contacts and get a free pair of single vision plastic lenses free and $40 towards a pair of sunglasses. What a great promotion!
Dr. Howard is available by appointment on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 8:30 – 5 pm.
Dr. Kathryn Mayberry is available by appointment on Wednesday from 8:30 – 5 pm and on Friday from 8:30 – noon.
Office hours are Monday – Thursday 8:30 – 5, Friday 8:30 – noon. They are conveniently open one Saturday each month, typically the first Saturday of the month from 8:30 – noon.
If you would like to contact Dexter Family Eye Care they have two locations. In Dexter you may call 573-614-5393 and for the Vision Source in Advance you may call 573-822-3456. They also have a website, www.visionsource-dexter.com and a Facebook page.
This month is also National Glaucoma Awareness Month. Follow this link for more information.
For more photos from the celebration and ribbon cutting please check out our ShowMe Times Facebook page.

Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
This delicious meal will be served at 620 W. Oak St. (across from the city park) in Dexter, Missouri. Cost for adults is $6.00 each with children from the ages of 7 - 12 will only be $2.00 each. Children six years old and younger are free. You may contact the American Legion for tickets or pay at the door.
This is an all-you-can-eat ham and bean dinner with corn bread, cole slaw, and dessert. Lemonade, tea or coffee will also be included with your meal.
The American Legion is comprised of those honorably discharged veterans and current personnel of the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or Air Force who served at least one day of active duty. The American Legion runs annual civic training events for high school juniors called Boys State. Two member from each Boys State are selected for Boys Nation. The American Legion Auxiliary runs Girls State and Girls Nation. In addition, they feature numerous programs including American Legion Baseball, Scouting, Oratorical Contests, Junior Shooting Sports, Youth Alumni, Sons of The American Legion, The American Legion Riders, and Scholarships at every level of the organization.
This is a worthwhile event to participate in as the proceeds go to support The American Legion and they warmly welcome you to come sit and eat for a while and visit with friends and veterans.

Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
The Golden Living Center hosted a "Meet and Greet" for the new Director by serving wonderful hors d'oeuvres, cheeses and wine. They have a fine chef who prepares the menus and he did an excellent job being host for the event.
Dr. Uthoff , originally from Charleston, Missouri but has been practicing medicine in Sikeston for over 18 years. He is currently with Missouri Delta Physician Services and is board certified in Internal Medicine. He graduated in 1991 from the University of Health Sciences - College of Osteopathic Medicine, Kansas City, Missouri.
Mrs. Hanner stated, "We are so very excited to have him aboard. The quality of healthcare is extremely important and we feel Dr. Uthoff will be a great asset to The Golden Living Center."
The Golden Living Center is a beautiful long term care facility. It was originally built in 1962 as the hospital for Dexter and was also a fall-out shelter. In 1968 it was converted to a long term care facility and now has a board of directors made up of physicians.
The Golden Living Center highly values integrity and accountability. They believe in sharing their passion for excellence and to be uncompromising in delivering quality care to their residents. It is truly a magnificent place.
Dr. Uthoff said, "This will be a new and exciting challenge for me. I have worked with Michelle before and I know we will be good together." He will be focusing on the residents and their care; however he will also be on call, helping with administrative duties and will also consult on the safety of the residents and staff.
Dr. Uthoff is dedicated to providing patients the highest level of care and compassion.