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    Healing at home
    December 05th 2012 by Amy Ellinghouse
    Healing at home

    Home health services offer a wide variety of benefits for patients

    The number of people benefiting from home health services continues to grow each year in the U.S., allowing patients to receive care where they're most comfortable - at home.

     "Home health agencies, with the benefit of medical advances, make it possible for patients to be cared for surrounded by loved ones in the setting they're most comfortable in," says Joy Ward, administrator for Dexter Home Health Agency, a part of Missouri Southern Healthcare.

    “These services can benefit a variety of people with a wide range of needs,” she added. Ward says home health services should be considered if:

    You are diagnosed with or recovering from:

                •           High blood pressure

                •           Diabetes

                •           Parkinson’s disease

                •           Congestive heart failure

                •           Heart disease

                •           Lung disease

                •           Cancer

                •           Cardiac bypass surgery

                •           Hip or joint surgery

                •           Stroke

                •           Any chronic illness such as asthma or progressive  arthritis

     You have difficulty with:

                •           Remembering to take your medication

                •           Walking, rising, or getting out of bed

                •           Maintaining proper hygiene

                •           Feeding and hydrating yourself

                •           Wounds or skin ulcers

                •           Vision, hearing, balance, strength, or memory

     You need:

                •           Considerable help leaving your home

                •           Skilled nursing at your home because you are mostly  homebound

                •           Physical, occupational, or speech therapy

     You frequently feel:

                •           Overwhelmed and unable to care for yourself

                •           In danger

                •           Vulnerable to abuse, scams or fraud

                •           Lonely, sad or confused

     In general, potential home health patients include cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy; transplant patients in need of IV antibiotics or pain management; seniors experiencing difficulty after an injury; diabetic patients in need of daily monitoring; and patients experiencing wound healing problems, says Ward.

     Discuss with your medical provider or contact Dexter Home Health agency at (573) 624-3511 for more information about home health care and to determine whether it's right for you or a loved one.

     About Dexter Home Health Agency

    Founded in 1983, Dexter Home Health Agency is the longest serving agency in the local area. With this experience comes a reputation for consistent and exceptional patient care and a history of forming strong relationships with the medical community. Dexter Home Health Agency one of the top agencies in the state, with a nationwide ranking as a Top Home Health Provider.






    Last Updated on December 05th 2012 by Amy Ellinghouse

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