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Young Signs With UT Martin
November 14th 2012 by Unknown
Young Signs With UT Martin
Written by
Jessica Snider, SMT Writer

Earlier this afternoon, Chase Young signed his national letter of intent to play baseball at the University of Tennessee at Martin.

Chase is the 17-year-old son of Marty and Christine Young. Throughout his high school career, Young has been apart of many academic and athletic achievements. 

Young has been recognized by many for his athletic talent while playing football, basketball, and baseball in high school. Although Young excels at all three sports, it is baseball where he sees his future.

UT Martin recruited Young to play centerfield. After much thinking about this huge decision, Young decided UT Martin was the right place for him. “They gave me an opportunity to play right away and it was just an overall good fit for me and my family,” commented Young on his decision.

/images/Jessica's Pics/Chase UTM Signing Mid1.jpgIn attendance at the signing today in the Bearcat Event Center were, of course, Chase Young, Marty and Christine Young (parents), Chandler Young (brother), Dexter High School Athletic Director Derek Urhan, Coach Aaron Pixley, and Coach Brian Becker.

We congratulate Chase Young on all his athletic achievements and the wonderful opportunities that will be available for him in the future after signing with UT Martin! Good luck in all your future endeavors, Chase!

The above photo shows Chase Young signing the letter of intent surrounded by his family, high school athletic director, and high school coaches who have very much enjoyed coaching him the past four years.

The photo on the right shows Chase speaking with other media in attendance at today's signing.

Last Updated on November 14th 2012 by Staff Writer

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