Local News

Shout Out to PTO
November 13th 2012 by Staff Writer
Shout Out to PTO
Article By SMT Writer
Aleshia Flowers

Dexter, Missouri - Central Elementary PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) donated two fabulous rocking chairs to the library for students to enjoy.  Students Blake Jung, Jordan Lay, and Robert Broshuis feel somehow reading seems more fun when relaxing in a cozy corner with your favorite book! 

PTO is extremely active in the Dexter Public School system.  This year Central Elementary PTO has donated funds for classroom projectors, paint for the playground, and other magnificent extras to help improve the school. 

PTO is always willing to assisting with various functions such as the School Lunch Week and the DARE formal to name a few.  SMT would like to send out a special thank you to the parents who volunteer their time, talents, and hard-earned dollars to support our schools through wonderful organizations such as PTO!

Last Updated on November 13th 2012 by Staff Writer

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