Local News
Reminder: Moonlight Madness Tonight
November 09th 2012 by Unknown
Written by
Jessica Snider SMT Writer
Jessica Snider SMT Writer
Don't forget the annual Moonlight Madness will be held tonight in Dexter. The event will start around 5:00 P.M. and last until 9:00 P.M.
Many stores downtown will be participating in the event along with many other stores that are not located in the downtown area.
This is the perfect time to start marking things off your Christmas list! Many stores and businesses run sales throughout the event that are too great to pass up!
Along with sales, many businesses in participation have hot chocolate, apple ciders, cookies, etc ready for their customers to enjoy!
You'd hate to miss out on some of these great sales, so don't forget to venture out tonight and visit some of the local businesses who are participating!
Many stores downtown will be participating in the event along with many other stores that are not located in the downtown area.
This is the perfect time to start marking things off your Christmas list! Many stores and businesses run sales throughout the event that are too great to pass up!
Along with sales, many businesses in participation have hot chocolate, apple ciders, cookies, etc ready for their customers to enjoy!
You'd hate to miss out on some of these great sales, so don't forget to venture out tonight and visit some of the local businesses who are participating!
Last Updated on November 09th 2012 by Unknown