Local News

Reminder: Polls Open Until 7:00 P.M.
November 06th 2012 by Unknown
Reminder: Polls Open Until 7:00 P.M.
Coming from the folks of ShowMe Times, this is just a friendly reminder that all polls in Missouri will remain open until 7:00 P.M.

If you're a registered voter, we encourage you to get out to the polls sometime before 7:00 and make your voice heard!

Not only will you be voting for the President of the United States, but your vote will also affect a lot of people running for Stoddard County elected positions.

Results of the election will begin being broadcasted on YHC Channel 21 at 7:15 P.M. Results can also be viewed at www.yhctv.com

Last Updated on November 06th 2012 by Unknown

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T.S. Hill Mid-Schools Holds Mock Elections
November 05th 2012 by Staff Writer
T.S. Hill Mid-Schools Holds Mock Elections
Article Submitted by
SMT Readers

Dexter, Missouri - Mock Elections were held at the T. S. Hill Middle School this morning.  Students from the 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes were all given the opportunity to participate during their Social Studies class time.

Students were required to show their own identification via sample voter registration cards and were given a ballot to participate in the mock election process.  Complete with voters booth and all, students were given an opportunity to better understand the election process and were encouraged to get involved.

This projected was organized by the classrooms of Mrs. Sweeney, Mrs. Foster, and Mrs. Thurmon.  During "Election Day," these teachers were assisted by some parent volunteers to actually give the look and feel of a real live voting experience.

"This is a great lesson for the kids and the school is very excited to be able to participate in the voting process,"  noted Scott Kruse of T. S. Hill Middle School.  "It's pretty neat for them to be exposed to this important civic duty."

Remember, tomorrow is the day for each citizen to exercise their right to vote.  Be sure to make it a priority on your daily list.

Last Updated on November 05th 2012 by Unknown

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Make Your Voice Heard: Vote
November 05th 2012 by Unknown
Make Your Voice Heard: Vote
Written by
Jessica Snider SMT Writer

Many people feel as if tomorrow’s election will result in the biggest voter turnout in the history of voting.

No matter the reason you’re voting, or even who you’re voting for; make sure you get out to your polling place and make your voice heard by casting a vote!

Not only is the Presidential Race important, but there are also races on the 2012 ballot that will directly affect people of Stoddard County. Many local races will be the reason that a large number of people decide to get out and vote.  

No matter your political party or presidential candidate preference, we encourage you to exercise your right to vote tomorrow!

All Missouri polls will open at 6:00 A.M. and remain open until 7:00 P.M.

Get your vote on!!

Last Updated on November 05th 2012 by Unknown

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Halloween Fun at Central Gardens
November 01st 2012 by Unknown
Halloween Fun at Central Gardens
Written by
Jessica Snider SMT Writer

Yesterday in honor of Halloween, many members of the staff at Central Gardens Residential Care dressed up in many different costumes and enjoyed spending Halloween at work.

Not only did just the staff get involved, however; many of the residents wanted to participate as well. Throughout the halls of Central Gardens yesterday you might have seen some residents with Halloween-related face paint on their face, which was painted by one of the staff members.

Every month at Central Gardens a birthday party is held on one afternoon to help celebrate all the residents who have birthdays in that month. It just so happens that yesterday’s Birthday Party has been conjoined into a Halloween Celebration as well.

Staff members took part in decorating the dining room with Halloween items so the residents could enjoy cake in the Halloween atmosphere.

This was a fun time for all: staff and residents. There were lots of laughs shared between staff members and residents commenting on some of the costumes that were worn.

Pictured above are a few staff members posing in their costumes.

This was a fun time for everyone included in Central Gardens! The residents loved seeing their everyday staff members dressed up as a little something different.

Last Updated on November 01st 2012 by Unknown

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Attend Foster Childrens Benefit This Sunday
November 01st 2012 by Staff Writer
Attend Foster Childrens Benefit This Sunday
Article Submitted by
SMT Reader

Please remember that a benefit concert will be held on November 4th, 2012 at the Trinity United Methodist Church in Bloomfield. The concert will begin at 6:00 PM and is a fundraiser to benefit the Stoddard County Foster Children's Christmas Party. Organizers have been busy putting together a great musical program for your listening pleasure.

The Event will feature some of the areas most talented individuals including: Buddy Heaton; Grace Trio; Lara, Sophie and Tony Thorn; Mara and Heather Mayo; Jasen Williams; Michelle Warren Prichard, Ringer Hill Bluegrass; and The Concert Choir.

Janet Moore, director of the Stoddard County Foster Children's Party, will also share with those attending about the foster care system and her experiences with the group.

Be certain to make your plans to attend and support the Stoddard County Foster Children's fundraising event. Many area churches support these efforts but you will also be given an opportunity to contribute. An offering will be taken during the concert in hopes of making this years Christmas extra special for these young children.

A fellowship time is also being planned for everyone following the program.

Last Updated on November 01st 2012 by Staff Writer

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