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FFA Tractor Rodeo
October 02nd 2012 by Unknown
FFA Tractor Rodeo
Written by
Jessica Snider SMT Writer

This year the Dexter FFA sponsored an FFA tractor rodeo at the Stoddard County Fair.

The tractor rodeo is a test of an FFA member’s tractor driving skills and knowledge of the safety rules. Participants had to drive a tractor pulling a twelve-foot blade through half of a figure-eight course and then back it through the other half of the course.

Six different FFA chapters had members participate in the contest. Placing first was Hayden Riley of the Bernie FFA chapter. Second place went to Cordell Stewart of Puxico FFA. Nathan Sadler of the Dexter FFA chapter took third place.

The CaseIH 95 tractor used was donated by Baker Implement. The FFA Survivor t-shirts worn by all the participates were sponsored by Greenway Equipment Co. Mr. Gary Wyman was the official judge with Mr. Chad Upchurch assisting.  The Dexter FFA would like to thank all those who helped make this event possible.

The FFA members in participation at the Tractor Rodeo were from Bernie, Shane Oliver, Zach Tanner, and Hayden Riley. From Couch FFA, Keller Rader, Keenan Rader, and Jacob Null. From Dexter, Nathan Sadler, Brandan Mitchell, and Garrett Kyle. Representing Richland FFA was Nick Daniels. From Bloomfield, Hunter Frymire and Zane Huddleston. Cordell Stewart and Cody Taylor represented the Puxico FFA.

Last Updated on October 02nd 2012 by Unknown

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