![McTeacher's Night September 17th](/img_uncc_910_800.jpg)
These are exciting times in the third grade classrooms at Central Elementary School in Dexter. This is a very competitive hallway where lines have been drawn and contest have been designed in hopes of raising money for classroom activities during this school year.
You won’t want to miss the McTeacher’s Night at McDonalds here in Dexter. Mark your calendar and be sure to get involved as the teachers from the third grade hallway will be taking over the drive-thru and service counter at McDonalds.
McTeacher’s Night will be September 17th, you will be give your orders to the teachers such as Ms. Waddle, Ms. Strong, Mr. Clark, Mrs. Nichols and a host of others that will participate. The hours are from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, so make it a point to be there during those times.
And just for fun, the ShowMe Times would like for you to use your cell phone and take pictures of the teachers hard at work. Send those pictures to news@showmetimes.com and we will sure to get those teachers properly recognized for their charitable efforts.
And there is more to it! The classroom with the greatest attendance will receive a “Fun Movie Day” at school. Just a little motivation to be sure your child sets you up with a Big Mac or Filet-O-Fish for dinner that night.
It is a great cause and will be a lot of fun, so be sure to invite your family, friends, relatives and co-workers to be at McDonalds for McTeacher Night on September 17th, 2012 between the hours of 5 and 7 PM. The kids of the third grade hallway will thank you!!!
For the Official McTeacher Night Flyer … Click Here!