DPR Begins 2012 Football Season
September 10th 2012 by Staff Writer
DPR Begins 2012 Football Season
Dexter, MO - The Dexter Little League Football program is up and running for the 2012 season.  The program has seen some changes for 2012 which will extend the size of the group and create more activity. 

The league has broadened the age categories into a Varsity and a Junior Varsity program.  The Varsity level has youngsters that are currently in both the 5th and 6th grades, with the JV group in the 3rd and 4th grade.  Many of these changes have been brought about by the changes at T. S. Hill Middle School that now has both 7th and 8th grade football in their program.

Sign ups were held on August 20th with over 110 kids registered.  If the young athlete played in previous years, they will remain on the same team while all newcomers are divided up among the teams.  As in previous seasons, the group is broken down into 4 teams, each having a varsity and junior varsity group.  These young men will play six games throughout the season, with the opening games to be this coming Saturday, September 15th. 

/images/2012 Article Pics/Sports/DPR LLF Dorton.png The coaches are busy preparing each Tuesday and Thursday evening for the season to begin.  With these changes, the need for coaches has doubled for the league.  Where there were only four teams before, Dexter Park & Rec now has eight teams.  

/images/2012 Article Pics/Sports/DPR LLF Riley.png"We feel that having the four age categories divided into eight teams is far better for the kids to receive a more individualized instruction from their coaches,"  stated Jamie Rowe of DPR.  "We were fortunate this year to have a great group of coaches come forward to help us."

The DPR Little League Football Program has been a part of the Dexter community since the late 70's and early 80's.  Initially started as a group effort by local civic organizations in the community, the program has continued to provide an opportunity for young people to learn the fundamentals of football. 

"At this age, we start with the very basics," noted Black Team coach Brett Dorton.  "We just want them to have fun and someday to become a Bearcat we root for on Friday nights."

Dorton participated in the little league program from 1983 to 1984 and is now coaching his son, Carter Dorton. 

The DPR football games will begin this coming Saturday at Charles "Seed" Bland Stadium.  The junior varsity games will be played first followed by the varsity games. 

Come out and support the young Bearcats of the future.  Action will begin at 9:30 in the morning when the BLACK Team will take on the RED Team in Junior Varsity action. 

/images/2012 Article Pics/Sports/DPR Ftbll Schedule.jpg

Last Updated on September 10th 2012 by Staff Writer

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