Faith Matters

A Project of Faith
August 22nd 2012 by Unknown
A Project of Faith

The First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) began worshiping in their Disciple Center the first Sunday after Easter while the sanctuary restoration began.  The previous restoration took place 30 years earlier.  Love offerings were accepted and there were fundraisers as they began the $100,000 project.  This project is culminated with a re-dedication of the sanctuary on August 12, 2012 followed by an all-church dinner provided by the Men’s Fellowship Group.

The board of FCC (DOC) deemed that funds were available and had faith that more funds would be forthcoming, when they voted unanimously to approve the restoration project.  Pews were moved, carpet was removed, carpet staples pulled, Mid-South Drywall began removing wallpaper and repairing ceilings and walls followed by new paint.  All the railings were gel stained followed by a sealer.  The weather-worn front doors were replaced, a new state of the art projection/sound system was installed by Shivelbine Music, pews were put back in place and the pew company replaced padding and upholstery. In the basement area, permanent sheetrock walls replaced folding walls and new carpet was laid. The last portion of the project was cleaning and dusting for the August 12 re-dedication. Many hours of love, sweat, and blood were poured into this project by the faithful members of FCC (DOC.)

All the restoration work by church members is only a tip of the iceberg in this story. The worship services on Sunday mornings never faltered because of being moved to the Disciple Center.  Attendance rates were even noted as being up and there was no “low Sunday” the week following Easter.   The worship chairs made sure there were speakers for every Sunday service.  Various members of the congregation stepped forward to speak and share the story of their faith journey, others spoke about God and His amazing grace and love and the fact that He is  with us every step of the way.  Soloists came forward to provide inspirational special music.  There has also been an increase in membership to the congregation. 

All that has been accomplished by this congregation has been made possible by the Grace of God.  Now they look forward to the future of FCC, as a new Pastor has been called.  Reverend Michael Williams and his wife, Lily, will be coming to FCC on October 1, 2012 to begin his ministry to this congregation and to the community of Dexter.  What excitement fills the air within this family of God!

Their acceptance of the calling has led to more congregation activity, as the parsonage has had carpet removed to reveal beautiful hardwood floors.  The walls and trim have fresh paint and new flooring in the bathroom.  The outside trim and garage door has new paint and the shrubbery has been trimmed. 

Members of the congregation traveled to Iowa, where Mike and Lily currently live, loaded a trailer with some of their belongings and moved it to Dexter, as Lily will be moving in prior to Mike’s pastorship, to begin her new teaching position as History Professor with Southeast Missouri State University.

The Board and congregation began this restoration and pastor search journey with faith, prayer and belief in God’s goodness.  The light can be seen at the end of the tunnel for the restoration and the light of God’s blessings can be seen in the calling of a new Pastor.

You are invited to join this loving family of God at the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 224 E Stoddard in Dexter, Missouri.  Worship Services are held each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m.

Submitted Story

Last Updated on August 22nd 2012 by Unknown

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