Faith Matters

Chick-fil-A Splitting Hairs of Freedom
July 25th 2012 by Staff Writer
Chick-fil-A Splitting Hairs of Freedom
By Staff Writer
The ShowMe Times

As the Freedom Trail winds through the streets of Boston, Chick-fil-A is finding that freedom doesn't come so easily in the city our forefathers.

The fast food chain of Chick-fil-A has become a favorite of many for their quality service, fresh food and incredible lemonade.  They have always been known as a strong company that has stood on their beliefs and commitments.  No matter what the sacrifice, Chick-fil-A has stood on their principles.

They have been innovative as Chick-fil-A has invented the best drive-thru ketchup packets on earth.  They have remained superior delivering a level of service that is filled with smiles, kindness and a servant's passion.  They have remained committed to their beliefs because how many times have your craved that Chick-fil-A Lemonade to find them closed on Sunday?  

This is a company that believes in something.  They have a purity and a simplicity in their business model that feels like they truly appreciate their customer base. 

They are marketing geniuses, portraying the Jersey cows encouraging the customers to "Eat Chikin Or I'll DeFriend U"

/images/AB 2012/Chick-fil-A FREE.pngThey are charitable as the Jonesboro, Arkansas location recently offered "FREE" Chick-fil-A Sausage Biscuit sandwich WITHOUT a purchase.  Simply drive through and pick up breakfast.

The company is filled with fun for partons and employees.  The recent July promotion was to "Dress Like Me".  The rules were simple: dress up like a cow, and get a free meal.

Chic-fil-A is a unique company in many ways, but easily can be considered a good corporate citizen.  One of the most unusual commitments is to the six day work week.  This is simply unheard of in the restaurant industry.

In today's business world, it is hard to believe that a corporation would sacrifice profit of over 14% of a week's sales opportunities ... and for what?  A belief that Sunday is "A Day of Rest"!!!  Really?

But they believe in something, and when did it become a crime to have a solid core belief?  In the area of personal freedoms and respect for others, where did we lose the right to be able to say that I'm for one thing and against another? 

/images/AB 2012/Chic-Fil-A Wave.pngMuch is the case with the controversy that has reared its ugly head in Boston where Mayor Thomas E. Minino has vowed to block Chick-fil-A from opening any new stores in the Boston area.  Why?  Because of a belief and a statement made by the leadership of a corporation. 

Many have put Chic-fil-A under attack for the chain president’s views against gay marriage.  Dan Cathy said the company was “guilty as charged” when it came to supporting the biblical definition of marriage as between a man and a woman.

The belief of an individual that sets the tone for his entire corporation is criticized, treated as a social wrong and put down by elected officials and cartoon characters.  And all because a corporation has a little character of their own.

/images/AB 2012/Chic-fil-A COW HALO.pngThe Boston mayor said he doesn’t want a company that discriminates against gay and lesbians setting up shop in Boston, especially on the Freedom Trail.  Are there no freedoms that relate back to Chick-fil-A regarding where they wish to do business?

Chick-fil-A did not state that you couldn't work at their store unless you supported the biblical idea of marriage.  You can be certain that within the ranks of employees, there are some so called "sinners".  It's a basic belief and a statement made by a corporate leader.  Do they not have the right to set standards and have their own beliefs?  Have we strayed so far from the principles of the past that we remove the right to possess your own belief? 

Menino boldly added that he will not allow Chick-fil-A into Boston unless they change their policy.  Is this correct?  An elected official is now shaping the beliefs of the world with positions such as this?

It's the age old argument related to personal freedom, and the fact that everyone has a choice of lifestyles.  We all have a little sin in our lives to some degree as all humans were created with a sinful nature. 

The Chick-fil-A controversy makes you wonder if our freedom of choice is being challenged beyond the ideas of our forefathers.  How is it that a corporate entity that has proven themselves to be of high standards, fair and good stewards in our society, be taken to the wood shed for having a basic Christian belief? 

Last Updated on July 25th 2012 by Staff Writer

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