June: the beginning of summer, cool ice tea on the porch, baseball, vacations, and fun times. And it's birthday time for Rachel Putnam, the ShowMe Spotlight girl for the month. Rachel will turn 15 on June 23, and she is a busy young lady. Not only is Rachel a member of the Dexter Show Choir and will leave this weekend on the show choir's concert tour in Branson, she is a member of a number of activities at Dexter High School as well. Rachel is a member of the DHS Dance Team, is a Varsity Football Cheerleader, a member of the DHS Student Council, Family, Career & Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, was selected as a member of the All District Choir and is in the Top Ten Percent of her class. Rachel is the daughter of Denny and Shannon Putnam of Dexter. The ShowMe Spotlight is a monthly feature of the ShowMe Times, featuring one of the Top 12 finalists in the annual Miss Dexter Pageant. (Photo by SMT Reader Shannon Putnam. Thanks, Shannon, for everything!!)