
BA All-Star Extravaganza Set For Saturday
April 12th 2012 by Unknown
BA All-Star Extravaganza Set For Saturday

By Andrew Cato, ShowMe Times Sports Editor

Area sports fans will be treated to a day full of excitement at the Bearcat Event Center this Saturday (April 14), when the BA All Star Extravaganza takes center stage.

The fun-filled day will highlight high school seniors nominated and voted on by coaches and athletic directors from 65 area schools.

The all star Volleyball teams will compete starting at 9:00 a.m. The Class 1 & 2 Boys Basketball game will tip off at 11:00 a.m., followed by the Girls Basketball game at 12:35 p.m. The Class 3, 4, & 5 Boys Basketball game will tip off at 2:00 p.m. Also, spread periodically throughout the day are skills competitions, and the crowd favorites - the Three Point Shootout and Slam Dunk Competitions, sponsored by the Bank of Advance. The dunk contest is slated to begin at 3:00 p.m.

After the games and contests, the All-Star Extravaganza will close out the day with an Awards Presentation in the BEC at 4:00 p.m. Players, coaches, and area schools' accomplishments will be recognized, and the event will feature special guest speaker Dickie Nutt, head coach of the Southeast Missouri State University Men's basketball team.

All events in the BA All-Star Extravaganza are open to the public; join in the fun and help salute the talents of our area high school seniors!

Tyler Miller and Jake Lee will be representing the Bearcats in Boys basketball; LBB coach Chad Allen will head a team in Girls basketball (no members of the 2011-2012 LBB team were eligible, as they had no seniors); McKenzie Mitchell and Erika Mouser will be on the court for the 'Cats in the Volleyball competition.

Last Updated on April 12th 2012 by Unknown

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