Local Schools

DHS Student Elected Area FFA Officer
January 31st 2012 by Unknown
DHS Student Elected Area FFA Officer

By Annabeth Miller, SMT Editor

A Dexter High School student has been elected an area officer in the future Farmers of America.

Christin Sitzes was elected as the Area 16 FFA Reporter for the 2012-2013 academic year. Christin is active as an officer of the local FFA chapter at DHS.  She was selected from a group of FFA members from the FFA chapters in Area 16. The candidates were interviewed by the current year's Area FFA officers

Chelsey Massey from the Dexter FFA is currently serving as an Area FFA Officer. Colton Averett and Jackson Hubbard attended the interviews and served as voting delegates.

Christin will be installed into her office on March 12 at the Area 16 Banquet at Poplar Bluff High School.

FFA is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of young people by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

There were more than 25,000 FFA members from 324 FFA chapters in Missouri during the 2010-2011 school year. The organization's motto is:

  • Learning to Do;
  • Doing to Learn;
  • Earning to Live;
  • Living to Serve. 

Photo Above: Dexter FFA Members who attended Area FFA Officer Elections include Colton Averett, Chelsey Massey, Christin Sitzes and Jackson Hubbard. (Photo by FFA Advisor Ronnie Shipman)


Last Updated on January 31st 2012 by Unknown

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