
Cotton Ramble; A Perfect Day For A Ride

Cotton Ramble; A Perfect Day For A Ride

The 3rd Annual Cotton Ramble Bicycle Ride was held on October 8, 2011 in Sikeston. With over 200 bicycle enthusiasts participating in the event, the day was only complimented by the beautiful sunshine for the ride.

With cotton harvest in full swing, the Cotton Ramble was appropriately named. Starting in downtown Sikeston, riders had a choice of a 13-mile course, a 26-mile course and a long 65-mile for the more serious rider.

All participants started the routes at the historic train Depot through a designed course, passing by shaded, tree-lined streets with majestic homes. Those riders that took the longer routes traveled along fields of cotton as well as soybeans and corn to Vanduser and near Bloomfield before returning to the start/finish line.

images/Blog Images/show/ukfoOrganizers of the event had many activities planned for participants including festival events, cotton gin tours and a spaghetti lunch. Random prize drawings were also made available to riders at the ride completion.

images/Blog Images/show/ukfpThe organizers really do a great job with this event. Participants were from all over Southeast Missouri, as well as many places far beyond. One 65-mile rider from St. Louis was able to complete the course in a little over 3 hours.

Other riders from Dexter included Jerry Dorton, Mark Zabelin, Shanan Zabelin, Tracy Hedrick and Alan Hedrick.

Special Thanks for Rodney McConnell for the use of his pics from the Cotton Ramble.
Written by Staff Writer
Date: October 10th 2011
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