'Ultimate Bearcat Fans' Cheer Dexter Students
August 26th 2011 by News

By Annabeth Miller,
ShowMe Times Editor
You will see this pair of ladies at most every Bearcat event – football, basketball, volleyball, choir concerts, band concerts, academic honors. You can find them in attendance cheering Bearcat students. At athletic events they will most likely have a Bearcat shirt or wear the hometown colors of red and black. They are the most ardent of cheerleaders, the most loyal of fans.
The two fans are none other than Deloris Bailiff and Betty Keirsey – the Ultimate Bearcat Fans.
[br[] Friday night they were exactly where you would expect them to be – sitting in Charles Bland Stadium to cheer on the Bearcats. From the guys on the football team, to the girls on the cheer team, to the band members and the kids working at the concession stand – they were there to support the Bearcats!
Mrs. Bailiff and Mrs. Keirsey were there to cheer ALL Bearcats!
And the amazing thing is that they have been doing these for … well, for a few years. Together they have raised nine children in this community, they have worked and lived and worshiped and been a part of the Dexter community. Mrs. Bailiff moved here in 1955; Mrs. Keirsey in 1961.
So what makes Dexter so special?
“The students,” said Mrs. Bailiff.
[br[] “… And the teachers, and the staff, and the administration, and the school board!” continued Mrs. Keirsey.
Well, of course the school board! Mrs. Bailiff served 12 years on the Dexter Board of Education. That’s in addition to the 14.5 years she spent as a teacher in the district.
“I’m in my 19th year (serving on the school board) and I love it,” said Mrs. Keirsey.
“This is home,” said Mrs. Keirsey.
The two ladies are also great friends, great supporters of all things Bearcat and both involved in not only the schools, but in other activities in the community.
“We do it because it’s fun,” said Mrs. Bailiff. “And yes, we are the ultimate Bearcat fans!”
Last Updated on August 26th 2011 by News