Local Schools

What Do I Want To Be? A Fireman!!
June 20th 2011 by News
What Do I Want To Be? A Fireman!!
The students at Southwest Elementary School learned about "Cool Careers" last week, and capped off the week by a visit from a "cool" professional, Todd Odell of the Dexter Fire Department. He showed the youngsters all his gear for fighting fires, answered all their questions, and even demonstrated some of the features of his fire truck -- including the aerial spray. It was a hot day in the summer so kids did what just comes naturally, and ran through the fine mist from the spray and had a good time. At the end Fire Department employee Garrett Wray passed out junior fireman stick-on badges - just the added treat for the afternoon! (SMT photos by Annabeth Miller)

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Last Updated on June 20th 2011 by Unknown

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