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18 Fore Life: 'Run Like Your Hair's On Fire!'
June 04th 2011 by News
18 Fore Life: 'Run Like Your Hair's On Fire!'

By Annabeth Miller,
ShowMe Times Editor

Brian Holman, was on top of the world – or so he thought. On the pitcher’s mound for the Seattle Mariners in 1990, he was just one batter – one batter mind you --- away from pitching a no-hitter.

Holman told the crowd at the 18 Fore Life Banquet Friday evening that at that moment, he knew was headed to the Baseball Hall Of Fame!

“I remember when there were two outs in the ninth and I was thinking to myself, 'I'm going to be in the Hall of Fame,' " he said. "I'm thinking how great that is, and one pitch later, it's gone. To be so high one moment and then to be knocked off your pedestal the next, that to me is what life is. So you enjoy your life. Take it as far as you can, knowing that it can change at any time."

Holman’s talk was part of a festive evening kicking off the 18 Fore Life Charity Golf Event weekend. Holman’s story was riveting, emotional and inspiring.

A man who was at the top of a major league baseball career, he had the had the wind blown out from under him numerous times, but he never gave up, he never gave up, he never gave up.

From watching his younger brother recover from being hit directly in the head with a line drive baseball, to a son who fell 31 feet from a ski lift and then be diagnosed with a cancerous tumor, to a daughter fight a battle against leukemia, to himself being diagnosed with a leaky heart valve and have open heart surgery – through all these travails Holman said he never quit.

"It doesn't matter whether you're a ballplayer or the color of your skin or rich or poor, bad things can happen to anybody at any time," Holman said.

Holman said the key is to never give up.

“Run like your hair is on fire.” Holman said. And he stressed again, to never give up. Never give up hope; never give up the fight.

Bruce Christian closed the evening’s banquet by offered the traditional toast to the late Ben Kruse. Christian relived his memories of being a coach to young Kruse, and watching Kruse grow up and give back to people in the community.

The Elks Lodge was packed for the annual event, and seemed somewhat like a town reunion. Friends of Ben Kruse – old school chums and friends – came home to Dexter and joined one another to remember Kruse, and to give back to the community through the charity he helped establish.

Last Updated on June 04th 2011 by News

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