Genealogy Workshop Slated For Saturday
May 05th 2011 by News
Genealogy Workshop Slated For Saturday

A SMT News Report

Genealogy has grown in recently years, in part thanks to the availability of information thanks to the Internet.

Keller Public Library in Dexter will host a Genealogy Workshop on Saturday, May 7 that will help those interested in the study of their family’s history and want to know where to search and what doors to open.

The workshop will be held from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the library at the corner of Grant and Park Lane in Dexter. The Stoddard County Genealogy Society in conjunction with Keller Library will sponsor the workshop. Volunteers from the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will also be on hand to assist participants.

Library Director Pam Trammell is proud of the Genealogy Room at Keller, and rightfully so. The room is packed with books, journals and materials that can help someone track down a family’s history.

“We have this room thanks to the support of the Genealogy Society,” she said as she scanned the room. “They have worked hard to make this an outstanding resource.”

Genealogy Society president Lyndel Revelle said the workshop is designed to help people learn more about the search for family history, the resources that are available, and to offer a glimpse into how modern technology can aide in genealogy searches.

Revelle added that pre-registration for Saturday’s event is requested to ensure adequate materials. Lunch is will up to individual participants. A $5 charge for the workshop will cover the cost of materials.

Individuals may register by contacting Revelle at; Frances Moore at; or Keller Library at or call 573.624.3764.

Photo Above: Keller Public Library Director Pam Trammell and Stoddard County Genealogy President Lyndel Revelle look at one of the new acquisitions in the Genealogy Room at the library.

WHAT: Genealogy Workshop

WHEN: Saturday, May 6

TIME: 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.

WHERE: Keller Public Library, 402 Grant Street, Dexter

Last Updated on May 05th 2011 by News

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