Local Schools

Future Entrepreneurs: DHS Team Places First
March 29th 2011 by News
Future Entrepreneurs: DHS Team Places First

A ShowMe Times News report

A team of Dexter High School students is champion future entrepreneurs.

Ashley Cogle, Keagen Belcher and Austin Seabaugh placed first in the District 16 Competition of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). The team competed in Entrepreneurship.

FBLA is the largest and oldest business student organization in the world! A quarter of a million high school and middle school students, college and university students, faculty, educators, administrators, and business professionals have chosen to be members of the premier business education association preparing students for careers in business.

The DHS team will be eligible to compete at the state level in Columbia in April.

The local FBLA Chapter sponsor is DHS business education teacher Ramona Lemons.

Photo Above: The team of Keagan Belcher, Austin Seabaugh and Ashley Cogle placed first recently in FBLA district competition. The team will now progress to the state level of competition in April.(SMT photo by Annabeth Miller)

Last Updated on March 29th 2011 by News

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Richland Students Attend State Meeting
March 28th 2011 by News
Richland Students Attend State Meeting

Submitted by reader Karen Lane,
Richland Librarian.

A group of students from Richland High School had the opportunity recently to tour the home of one of Missouri’s most famous authors and participate in a statewide meeting.

Six students from Richland's Library Club recently attended the Epsilon Beta State Library Club Meeting in Hannibal. Epsilon Beta is a statewide organization for school library clubs.

The RHS students toured Hannibal-LaGrange University, Mark Twain's Boyhood Home and other historical sites, and participated in several competitions, placing second in quiz bowl.

Team members were Brooke Patterson, James Pollock, Tim Mason, and Makayla Wake.

Pollock, the state secretary, helped run the annual business meeting and then handed over his duties to fellow Rebel Makayla Wake, who was elected to the state office for the upcoming academic year. Other members attending the meeting were Hannah Kean and Kirsten Pruett.

Photo above:
James Pollock congratulated fellow Rebel Makayla Wake on her being elected state secretary of Epsilon Beta State Library Club. Pollock held the position during the 2010-2011 school year.

Photo below:The Richland High School Library Club team placed second at the state meeting in the Trivia Contest. Team members were Brooke Patterson, James Pollock, Tim Mason, and Makayla Wake.

images/Blog Images/Local News/3.28.2011-RHS2.gif

Story and photos submitted by Karen Lane. Thanks Karen!

Last Updated on March 28th 2011 by News

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DHS Students Give 'Gift Of Life'
March 27th 2011 by News
DHS Students Give 'Gift Of Life'

By Annabeth Miller,
ShowMe Times Editor

As he lay stretched out on a gurney, his “best buddy” Emily Hutchcraft by his side and holding his hand, Jed Hunsaker was doing something for someone he will never know … he was giving blood.

Hunsaker is a senior at Dexter High School, and was one of the dozens of DHS students who gave blood at the DHS Blood Drive on Friday. The Future Teachers of America (FTA) sponsored the blood drive.

“I give every year,” Hunsaker said. “It makes me feel good about myself, and the goodies are really good!”

FTA President Lauren Powers and Secretary Lindsay Gilbert greet students and school staff that entered the high school gym Friday night – making sure everyone had the information they needed and felt welcome. The goal of the blood drive was 110 units donated.

FTA members and advisor Ann Polsgrove were on hand to lend support, pass out those important cookies and water, and to help donors on their road to giving the “gift of life.” The gym was a beehive of activity, with Red Cross personnel, students and school staff at the different stations.

As folks registered they also were able to put their name in the hat for door prizes. Thanks to Gilbert for providing the door prize information:

• Dexter BBQ certificate $10-Bailey Hampton
• Dexter BBQ certificate $10- Jason Guthrie
• American Steakhouse certificate $10-Austin Stacy
• American Steakhouse certificate $10-R.J. Phillips
• El Tapitio certificate $10-T.J. Stoner
• O.P.I. Nail Kit from Perfect 10-Sidney Scowden
• Pretty Nails certificate $10-Darcie Lane
• Ann Maries certificate $10-Amanda Richardson
• Metro Gallery gift bag-Savannah Mace
• MJ's Fashion Accessories and Leathers $25 certificate-Katelyn Yates
• Laura Davis $50 certificate (goes toward photo session)-Macy Greenrod
• Faculty Prize: Bearcat Coffee Cup from Powder Room & Boutique- Kris Vandeven

Last Updated on March 27th 2011 by News

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Bearcat Smiles!
March 16th 2011 by News
Bearcat Smiles!
It's a pretty spring day - and what a better time to gather the entire student body for a historic photo! All the students, teachers and staff at Central Elementary gathered outside recently for a "group shot". Say "Bearcats" everyone! (ShowMe Times photo by Andrew Cato)

Last Updated on March 16th 2011 by Unknown

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Bringing Books To Life
March 03rd 2011 by News
Bringing Books To Life
Keasha Hubbert, Brianna Bowers, and Shyann Clifton recently performed a scene from the novel Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell. The project was part of a unit class to show understanding of the events and characters in the novel by doing a variety of projects. The project selected by these three ladies was to perform a scene from the novel. The students are part of instructor John Stephens' class at Dexter's T.S. Hill Middle School.(Reader Submitted Photo from John Stephens)

Last Updated on March 03rd 2011 by News

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