Local Schools

Richland Celebrates Homecoming
February 05th 2011 by Unknown
Richland Celebrates Homecoming
The 50th Homecoming Celebration at Richland was held Friday evening. The homecoming court included (from left): freshman class representatives Tyler Maddox and MacKenzie Williams; sophomore class representatives Callie Richards and Logan Rodgers; Homecoming Queen Chelsea Freeman of the junior class and Homecoming King Ryan Kleffer of the senior class; retiring Homecoming Queen Kaleigh Evans; and Brandon DeJournett of the junior class. Crown Bearer is Dalton Miller (in front) and Flower GIrl is Rylee Taylor; both are kindergarten students at Richland. Not able to participate in the festivities due to a death in her family was senior class representative Hannah Kean. (ShowMe Times photo by Annabeth Miller)

Last Updated on February 05th 2011 by Unknown

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