
Join the Beckings on December 10th and Change Your Life!
December 03rd 2019 by Dee Loflin
Join the Beckings on December 10th and Change Your Life!

Dexter, Missouri - Now is the time to consider a life changing experience!!!  Are you ready to not only lose weight, but feel better?  Come to a FREE dinner on Tuesday, December 10th at El Cabrito Mexican Restuarant in Dexter and meet with Eric and Chantelle Becking!  It's time to get a game plan for 2020!

Register by clicking HERE and get your FREE ticket on Eventbrite.

We all know that weight loss can be a challenge and it's frustrating especially in those trouble areas that don't seem to go away no matter what you do.  You are not alone and don't have to be on this amazing journey with the Beckings.  They have helped over 8,000 people transform their lives!

A we get older our bodies tend to slow down.  Our metabolism and energy take the biggest hit.  This makes it much harder to lose weight and keep it off UNLESS you know the right way to about it.

Dr. Becking and his wife, Chatelle are premier natural health and wellness authorities and want to share powerful and life changing information with you.  They want you to naturally lose the weight and keep it off.

"You may be thinking it's about losing weight, but for us it is about your WHOLE LIFE," commented Chantelle.

"Join us for this VERY Special, FREE dinner event so you can finally get the answers you have been looking for and your doctor probably hasn’t told you about!""

"We are also offering a complimentary body scan ($99 value) and special event only pricing on our signature weight loss program as well as lipo laser programs for attendees who schedule a free consult," continued Chantelle.

You must register by clicking the link above or contacting the Becking Clinic at (573) 243-9777

Adults Only. Must register to attend and seats are filling FAST!

Who is this for?

Anyone who has tried fad diets without lasting results, anyone who lacks energy, anyone that is active but still struggles with trouble areas, anyone who wants their life back, and anone who is unhappy with the way they look and/or feel and are ready to get their POWER back!

 Is Ready to CHARGE Into 2020 and enjoy Christmas Dinner Guilt FREE!

Last Updated on December 03rd 2019 by Dee Loflin

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