Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Chamber of Commerce announces this week's activities for January 7th - January 13th 2019. The Rotary Club's annual chili dinner is Tuesday evening!! Yum! Yum!
Monday: January 7
Board of Alderman Meeting-Municipal Building, Vine Street at 7:00pm
Tuesday: January 8
Children's Story Hour- Keller Public Library-Community Room at 10:15am.
"Frog on a Log" Presented by Children's Librarian, Bree Goldschmidt
Rotary Club "Chili Day" - Sacred Heart Parish Center -11:00-2:00 pm and 4:00-6:00 pm
Carryout is Available-Pies/Cakes/Cookies- $7.00
Wednesday: January 9
Regional Healthcare Foundation - The 2019“TRI” Team Fitness Challenge begins Wednesday January 9 and continues until Wednesday April 25th. For additional information, please call the Regional Healthcare Foundation at 573-624-1607 or visit SHOWME Times Facebook page
Sunday: January 13
Snowflake Pageant-Dexter High School Auditorium at 1:00pm
Sponsored by Historic Downtown Dexter Association
Entry forms can be found online or be picked up at the Bunny Patch-Peggy Barks, Ashley Miller at Jackson Florists, or Chamber of Commerce.
Deadline - January 11th at 5:00pm, Late entries will be accepted for $5 extra

Dexter, Missouri - Keller Public Library would like to announce their January 2019 Story Hour Program schedule.
On Tuesday, January 8th - Frog on a Log presented by Bree Goldschmidt.
On Tuesday, January 15th - Winter Fun presented by Gavin Miller, Asst. Superintendent, Dexter Public Schools.
On Tuesday, January 22nd - Creaky Old House presented by Bobby and Candice Garner.
On Tuesday, January 29th Play it Safe with Electricity presented by Ron Montgomery, SEMO Electric

Bloomfield, Missouri - The Stoddard County 4-H group ended the 2018 year with their new Elderland Holiday 4-H Pie SPIN Club.
This was a new club formed for 4-H kids to learn how to make, bake and eat pies!
They learned how to make and bake a variety of pies and breads for their holiday season. After three day sof fun experience they got to ake home their wonderful pieces of art they made in the kitchen.
Some of the favorites that they made were cheesecake, breads, and different flavors of pies.
This was a great experience for all of the students to learn how to make and bake delicious pies and breads for their family and friends.
A huge thank you to all who participated and Elderland Restaurant for hosting this fantastic club for 4-H members.

Dexter, Missouri - Gregory's Two East would like to thank everyone who donated to the H.U.G.S. Tree.
Thanks to all the amazing people out there, They donated 194 items to Dexter's Southwest Elementary and Central Elementary Schools. Hats, underwear, gloves, and socks will be put to great use for those children in need this winter.
H.U.G.S. = Hats, Underwear, Gloves, and Socks!!
Gregory's Two East is glad to continue this wonderful outreach project year after year!
Gregory's Two East is located 2 E. Stoddard Street in downtown Dexter. Call (573) 624-4554 for more information. Open Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Bernie, Missouri - The Bernie Parents as Teachers Student of the Month for December is Lyla Raine White.
She is the 9-month old daughter of Cordie and Rachel White.
Lyla loves laughing at her brothers Brooks and Owen, crawling, and getting into anything she can get her hands on.
She also loves to eat and her favorite snacks are strawberry puffs.
During the family's PAT visits, Lyla enjoys receiving the new books Mrs. Casey brings each visit.
If you would like to know more about Parents as Teachers contact Courtney McGarity or Casey Arnold at 573-293-5335, ext 293 or find them on Facebook by clicking HERE.
The following information was taken directly from the Parent as Teachers Missouri website. For more information click HERE.
Our Vision
All children will learn, grow and develop to realize their full potential.
Our Mission
To provide the information, support and encouragement parents need to help their children develop optimally during the crucial early years of life.
Our Values
The early years of a child's life are critical for optimal development and provide the foundation for success in school and in life.
Parents are their children's first and most influential teachers.
Established and emerging research should be the foundation of parent education and family support curricula, training, materials and services.
All young children and their families deserve the same opportunities to succeed, regardless of any demographic, geographic or economic considerations.
An understanding and appreciation of the history and traditions of diverse cultures is essential in serving families.
In 1981, Missouri pioneered the concept of helping parents embrace their important role as their child's first and best teacher. Today, Parents as Teachers continues to equip early childhood organizations and professionals with information and tools that are relevantᾢand widely applicableᾢto today's parents, families and children.
The Parents as Teachers leadership team and Board of Directors is engaged in a three-year strategic plan, which positions the organization as a valued partner to support the organizations and professionals who serve families and children, especially those most vulnerable.
The concept for Parents as Teachers was developed in the 1970s when Missouri educators noted that children were beginning kindergarten with varying levels of school readiness. Research showed that greater parent involvement is a critical link in the child's development of learning skills, including reading and writing.
Early childhood professionals suggested that a program to provide early detection of developmental delays and health issues, and parent education to help parents understand their role in encouraging their child's development from the beginning could help improve school readiness and parent involvement.
With funding from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and The Danforth Foundation, Parents as Teachers began in 1981 in Missouri as a pilot project for first-time parents of newborns. Recognizing the program's benefits and cost effectiveness, the Missouri legislature provided state funding in 1985 to implement Parents as Teachers programs in all Missouri school districts. Since 1985, Parents as Teachers has expanded to all 50 states and six other countries.