Dexter, Missouri - Three local seniors were awarded scholarships from the Rotary Interact Club, a student club of the Stoddard County International Rotary Club.
Each student received a $500 scholarship.
Pictured are from left to right: Lexi May, Sarah Miller, and Abby Mangum.

Bloomfield, Missouri - The 2017 Miss Bloomfield Pageant sponsored by the Bloomfield Women's Club will be held on Thursday, June 8, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Baptist Church on Center Street.
Registration will be at 6:00 p.m.
Miss Bloomfield contestants will need to wear formal attire. All other contestants will wear Sunday Best.
Contestants registering after May 5, 2017 will pay $20 each.
Registration can be mailed to Brenda Pruitt at 203 E. Shawnee St., Bloomfield, MO 63825 For further information call (573) 568 - 3393 after 6 p.m.
Classes are Wee Miss and Mr. Bloomfield ages 1 day - 35 months, Little Miss and Mr. Bloomfield 3 years - Kindergarten, Petite Miss Bloomfield 1st grade - 4th grade, Young Mr. Bloomfield 1st grade - 4th grade, Junior Miss Bloomfield 5th grade - 8th grade, Miss Bloomfield 9th grade - 12th grade.
Miss Bloomfield Pageant is for Bloomfield Residents or Bloomfield Students only.

Dexter, Missouri - The SB40 Board honored two long-standing board members at their Thursday, May 18 meeting.
The SB40 Board is a local county board founded in 1968.
Once a tax levy was established in Stoddard County in 1976, the SB40 Board of Directors for the county was established and funding was provided for residential, vocational and other related programs and services for the mentally handicapped in Stoddard County.
As a result, the Sheltered Workshop came into being. The board represents both the Stoddard County ARC and the Workshop.
Joe Weber has served on the board since its inception, and Clay Prough for the past 20 years.
Both are shown with family members after Stoddard County Commissioner Greg Mathis presented them with a token of appreciation for their continued dedication and contributions to the developmentally disabled of Stoddard County.
At left are members of the Weber family, daughters, Beth Weber and Cynthia Chesser and grandsons, Austin and Matthew Chesser. Members of the Prough family at right include Ronie Brown, Dennis Keeling, Sandy Keeling, Marilyn Borden, and daughter, Nickki (seated at right).

Dexter, Missouri - Dexter Elks Lodge #2439 recently named their 2017 Male Student of the Year in Stoddard County. Each month throughout the academic school year two students are named at each county school for their academic excellence. From that pool of students, one male and one female student are then selected at the conclusion of the school year and honored as the Elks Students of the Year.
The program is coordinated by local Elks, Larry and Carol White, who go to each county school and recognize the students of the month from Advance, Bell City, Bernie, Bloomfield, Dexter, Puxico, and Richland.
MaKayla Hunt of Bell City High School was named the 2017 Dexter Elks Female Student of the Year.
She is the daughter of Kevin and Stacey Hunt.
Her future plans are to attend Southeast Missouri State University - Cape Girardeau and eventually transfer to the University of Missouri - Columbia to become a Pediatrician.

Dexter, Missouri - Dexter Elks Lodge #2439 recently named their 2017 Male Student of the Year in Stoddard County. Each month throughout the academic school year two students are named at each county school for their academic excellence. From that pool of students, one male and one female student are then selected at the conclusion of the school year and honored as the Elks Students of the Year.
The program is coordinated by local Elks, Larry and Carol White, who go to each county school and recognize the students of the month from Advance, Bell City, Bernie, Bloomfield, Dexter, Puxico, and Richland.
Cade Long from Advance was recognized as the 2017 Dexter Elks Male Student of the Year.
He is the son of Angela Long-Cato and Michael Long. His future plans are to attend Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, Missouri to study business and finance management.