
Dexter Senior Center Weekly Menu
June 20th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Senior Center Weekly Menu

Dexter, Missouri - Want a delicious meal at a great price? Head to the Dexter Senior Center located at   23 W. Stoddard St. in historic downtown Dexter.  You don't have to be a senior to eat.  They serve lunch from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. and the cost is $3.50 for seniors and $5.00 for non-seniors.

This week's menu for Monday, June 20th - Friday, June 24th

Monday, June 20th - Breaded beef fritter, chicken strips, corn, broccoli, whole grain bread and pineapples.

Tuesday, June 21st - Pork roast, meatballs & gravy, mashed potatoes, Brussels sprouts, biscuit and strawberry shortcake.

Wednesday, June 22nd - Chicken and rice, lasagna, carrots, lettuce salad, whole grain bread and chocolate cream pie.

Thursday, June 23rd - Chef salad (lettuce, ham, egg, cheese, veggies), corn nuggets, crackers, and Jello.

Friday, June 24th - Chicken sandwich, pork fritter, sweet potato fries, coleslaw, bun/bread, and pudding.

Last Updated on June 20th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Koehler Engineering & Land Surveying Ribbon Cutting
June 17th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Koehler Engineering & Land Surveying Ribbon Cutting

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting for Koehler Engineering & Land Surveying, Inc. located at 2106 N. Outer Road, Suite C in Dexter.

Greg Tarbutton, PE is the Senior Project Engineer and is excited to open an office locally.  He already has several projects on the board in the Stoddard County area.

Professional Engineering Service are Municipal Engineering, Commercial Site Development, Site Planning, Subdivision Planning & Design, Transportation Facilities, Stormwater Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Sanitary Sewer Engineering, Drinking Water Engineering, Environmental Engineering & Studies, Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Construction Administrations & Management, Engineering Studies, Forensic Engineering, and Expert Witness Testimony.

Other services include Professional Surveying Services such as ALTA/ACSM boundary and topographic, Construction Inspection & Materials Testing, AASHTO & USACE Certified Testing Laboratories, Certified Construction Inspection & Testing Technicians, and Geotechnical Exploration, Drilling, Testing & Reports.

To contact Greg Tarbutton call him at (573) 614-5465 or email him at

Shown in the photos front row from left to right: Hillary Starnes, Executive Director of the Dexter Chamber of Commerce, Deb Stidham, President of Chamber, Mayor Joe Weber, Greg Tarbutton, John Parker Tarbutton, Reese Tarbutton, Katy Tarbutton, and Rachel Wade.  Back row from left to right Chad Gill, Chris Brannon, Rhonda Hall, Terry Battles, Bill Hampton, Kevin Bishop, and Gina Watson.

Last Updated on June 17th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Fitness Connection Gives Away Yeti Cooler
June 16th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Fitness Connection Gives Away Yeti Cooler

Dexter, Missouri - Fitness Connection held a recent contest on their Facebook page.  It seems that is the latest advertising gimmick to get people to LIKE, SHARE, and COMMENT on your Facebook page.  What a great idea and it's fun!

Fitness Connection gave away an awesome Yeti Cooler valued at $300................and the winner is Greg McGhee!

"I will use this Yeti cooler for youth trips and events to keep drinks nice and cold for the kids," commented McGhee.  "I will also be enjoying it when I take occasional canoe trips with my family!"

Congratulations Greg!  Hope you enjoy your new Yeti Cooler and thank you for promoting Fitness Connection!

Last Updated on June 16th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Regional Healthcare Foundation 4-Person Scramble
June 16th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Regional Healthcare Foundation 4-Person Scramble

Dexter, Missouri - The Regional Healthcare Foundation’s 2016 4-Person Golf Scramble will be held on Friday, July 1st with a shotgun start of 1:00 p.m. at the Hidden Trails Country Club in Dexter.

Entry fee is $75 per player and that includes Mulligans, Green Fees & Buffet Meal after the scramble.  Golf cart rental is not included in the entry fee, but the cost is $32.  Double flights with cash pay-outs and cash hole prizes along with a Mammoth Cooler give-away valued at more than $400.

This is the only fundraiser for the Regional Healthcare Foundation located at 215 W. Grant St. in Dexter.  They support local programs such as Prescription Drug Assistance, Mother-to-Mother Program, Scholarships, GED/HSE Classes, First Thursday, Fitness Challenge, Walkers for Wellness, and Special Assistance Programs.

Corporate Sponsor is $500 and that includes 2 paid entries and a banner.  Hole Sponsorships are $100 each.

For more information or to register please contact Lisa Thrower, Regional Healthcare Foundation at (573) 624-1607 or Matt Thurmon, Shelter Insurance at (573) 624-8923.

Last Updated on June 16th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Heartland Cruisers Cruise-In
June 16th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Heartland Cruisers Cruise-In

Puxico, Missouri - Looking for some fun in the sun this Saturday?  Shine your ride and join Heartland Cruisers for an evening of enjoying classic cars and hot rods.

Heartland Cruisers Cruise-In in downtown Puxico will be on Saturday, June 18th beginning at 6 p.m. 

No classes, no trophies, just plain old American fun!  All cars, trucks and motorcycles welcome!  Bring your lawn chairs and relax.

Downtown restaurants will be open and oldies, but goodies music will be played over the loud speakers!  Sounds like an evening of fun!

For more information contact Mark Crisel at (573) 614-9022 or David Phillips at (573) 820-4066.

Last Updated on June 16th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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