A ribbon cutting was held to celebrate the opening of Home Town Crafts located at 23 E. Business 60 in the McMunn Automotive building.
The store offers ceramic pieces, paints, brushes and more.
Adult and children's ceramic parties are available.
Pictured from left in front are: Dexter Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Alisha Trammell, Mike McMunn, owner Theresa Varrer, Sarah McMunn, Angela Newell, Helen Channell and Cecil Haley.

Dexter, MO - The Modern Woodsman presented Keller Public Library the 2022 Hometown Hero Award.
Mary Thorn said the library was chosen because it is central location for Dexter and surrounding communities where parents can bring their children for story time and for people to aid their mental health by escaping the world we live in through a book.
"Reading books is a nice way to escape the world," commented Thorn.
This award is given once a year and recognizes the individual or organization for their contributions to the community.
With the award the Modern Woodmen will make a $100 donation to the charity of the library staff's choosing. The library chose the Stoddard County Children's Home.
The Keller Public Library director and staff are honored to be recognized as hometown heroes!" stated Library Director Jordan Myers.From its beginning in 1935 Dexter’s library has been a community effort, so we strive to be a library that has something to offer everyone in our community and one that gives everyone a role in building our services. A public library truly connects people and provides a foundation of opportunities for lifelong learning, and it is our mission to provide culture, information, education, recreation and inspiration to all library patrons."

Labor Day Weekend the 100th Missouri State Horseshoe Tournament was held from Friday, September 2nd through Monday, September 5th.
The SEMO Players who went and placed are below.
Women's Championship
1st - Lachelle Cook
5th - Terrie Rose
Women's B Class
1st - Kelcee Tucker
Women's C Class
3rd - Melody Williams
Elders Men Championship
1st - Ron LeGrand
Elders Men A Class
3rd - James Hillis
Doubles Championship
2nd - Lachelle Cook
Doubles - C Class
2nd - Andrew Tucker
3rd - Randy Senciboy
Men's C Class
3rd - Mike Massa
Men's D Class
2nd - Andrew Tucker
Men's E Class
1st - Danny Williams
Men's F Class
3rd - Randy Senciboy

The Church Women United (CWU) met on August 6, 2022 at Sacred Heart Church for brunch. The speaker was Rhonda Stuever, President of C.L.A.S.S. (Communities Loving and Supporting Students). She shared with the group how this project began in 2018 and how they are going to begin their annual fundraising drive. This will enable them to purchase clothing for area students in the coming year.
Carol Beam, chairman of the National Lifechain Committee, shared with the group that the Lifechain will no longer take place in Missouri because after 49 years, ROE V WADE was overturned in June of 2022 by the Supreme Court and was sent to each individual state and has been banned from Missouri.
Beam presented a check to Teresa Overall, Director of Mother-to-Mother (M2M), from the Lifechain Committee.
Doris Biggs announced that there will be a CELEBRATE LIFE service at the Dexter First General Baptist Church, 27 E. Castor St. on Sunday, October 2nd. at 2:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to come and Praise the Lord! Please mark you calendar and save the date!
The Church Women United meet four times per year and the next meeting will be at Sadler's Chapel in Dexter on November 5th at 9:30 a.m. for brunch.
The speaker will be announced later. Krystal Hobgood, Chairman of CWU, would like to invite all ladies to come and attend.

Dexter, MO - A groundbreaking ceremony was held on the new Harty House in Dexter. The Harty House was made possible by a bequest from the Norman B. Harty trust and a land donation by the Regional Healthcare Foundation.
According to a news release from Assistant Program Director Renee Trout the new facility will feature 9,000 square feet of living space and provide safety, security and technology upgrades. The facility was designed by Dille Pollard Architects and Smith & Boucher Engineers and will be built by Brown Construction Company.
“Welcome to the future site of the Harty House,” said Trout at the groundbreaking. “And on behalf of the Stoddard County Children’s Home Board of Directors, staff, and most especially the children, we would like to welcome you here today as we break ground for our new residential facility.”
Trout recognized the current members of the Stoddard County Children's Home Board next: Kelly Fields-Wilburn, Joy Hudgens, Tonya Keena, Jackie Mayberry, Lauren Mayer, Paula Miles, Josh Miller, Michele Owens, Randy Russell, Allie Scherer, Ryan Slinkard, Zenita Smith and Jim Tweedy.
She also recognized the advisory board comprised of Judge Rob Mayer, Judge Joe Satterfield, Chief Juvenile Officer Tonya Causey, and Children’s Division Circuit Manager Kim Bolin, who oversee operations and ensure that the children in Stoddard County receive the best protection and care.
“We would also like to say thank you to our many partners in this project,” said Trout. “ First and foremost, the Norman B. Harty Trust, who’s vision and foresight is the foundation of what we are beginning here today.”
“Also, thank you to the Regional Healthcare Foundation and its board of directors for the donation of this land and their promise to help build healthy communities in our area,” Trout continued. “Thank you also goes to our project partners, Dille Pollard Architects, Smith & Boucher Engineers, and Brown Construction Company, who’s skill and expertise will bring this house to life.”
The regional Healthcare Foundation released a statement regarding the project which said:
“The mission of the Dexter Community Regional Healthcare Foundation is to build healthy communities through programs and services we operate, designed to increase the overall health and wellness of our surrounding communities. We could think of no better way to act out our mission statement than donating ground for the building and operation of the new Harty House, children’s residential facility operated by the Stoddard County Children’s Home. Through the operation of our own Mother to Mother mentor program, we have been an active participant of young children’s lives, and by donating this ground, we saw a different avenue of participation we could take, to aid in other children’s lives as well. We certainly want to thank the board of the Stoddard County Children’s Home for allowing us to play a small role in this project.”
“And to you, the citizens of Stoddard County, we offer our grateful appreciation for the continued support that will allow us to build this safe haven for the abused and neglected children in our county,” Trout said. “Thank you for joining with us to provide a secure and loving environment for the children who need us most. We come from communities large and small: Advance, Bell City, Bernie, Bloomfield, Dexter, Essex, and Puxico, and, working together, we will make the Harty House a home.”
Following Trout's address members of the Stoddard County Children's Home Board and county officials donned hard hats and turned the first scoops of dirt with gold shovels.
Pictured from left breaking ground on the Harty House is Brett Dille, Jim Tweedy, Presiding Stoddard County Commissioner Danny Talkington, C.H. Parsons, Lauren Mayer, Meredith Mayer, Tonya Keena, Zenita Smith, Kimberly Bolin, Chief Juvenile Officer Tonya Causey, Jim Russell, Randy Russell, Josh Miller, Aaron Mathis, Justin Trammell holding Brooks Trammell, Bonnie Harty, Sue Grobe, Judy Ackman and Kelly Fields-Wilburn. SHOWME TIMES/Dee Loflin