Dexter, Missouri - The 2018 guest speaker for the 18 FORE Life banquet is John O'Leary.
The Ben Kruse memorial 18 FORE Life Charity Golf event is set to take place on the weekend of June 1st and 2nd with the banquet on Friday evening.
While most past banquet speakers have survived cancer or had someone in their family to who battled the disease, O'Leary is not a cancer survivor, but at the age of nine suffered burns over his entire body while playing with matches and gasoline in his family's garage.
The burns were so severe that the doctor told his parents he would not survive. He spent months in the hospital and faced many surgeries and years of therapy. Before he was 10 years old, he lost all of his fingers to amputation due to the severe burns he suffered.
O'Leary now speaks across the country, inspiring others to do three tings in life:
1. To navigate adversity through decision-making;
2. To reveal a brighter vision for what's possible;
3. and to live boldly to impact others.
Each year, a love offering recipient or family member also is invited to speak at the banquet. This year, members of the Pixley family will be on hand to honor the memory of their brother, Adam, who lost his battle to cancer this year.
"There are still some tickets left for the banquet and we need a few more golf teams as well," commented Scott Kruse. "The cost is only $30 each." You can contact Mr. Kruse at (573) 614-0503.
The 18 FORE Life Charity has raised over $2.2 million dollars since its inception in 2000. The charity, through a number of annual events and primarily through donations and the golf tournament are able to provide love offerings to area families in the amount of $1,000 each.

Dexter, Missouri - Jason Banken signed his first proclamation as the new Mayor of Dexter on Monday, May 14, 2018 honoring men and women who have served as police officers for the city of Dexter. May 13th - May 19th is National Police Officer Week.
Established by President John F. Kennedy, National Police Officer Week also has designated Tuesday as National Peace Officers Fallen Day. Flags are to fly half-staff all day on May 15, 2018.
Established by a joint resolution of Congress in 1962, National Police Week pays special recognition to those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others.
Whereas, the Congress and President of the United States have designated May 15, 2018 as Peace Officers Memorial Day, and the week in which it falls as Police Week;
Whereas, the International Association of Chiefs of Police has declared law enforcement officer safety and wellness a top priority, and the IACP's Center for Officer Safety and Wellness promotes the importance of individual, agency, family, and community safety and wellness awareness; and
Whereas the members of law enforcement agency of Dexter Police Department play an essential role in safeguarding the rights and freedoms of the citizens of Dexter, Missouri; and
Whereas, it is important that all citizens know and understand the problems, duties and responsibilities of their duty to serve the people by safeguarding life and property, by protecting them against violence or disorder, and by protecting the innocent against deception and the weak against oppression or intimidation; and
Whereas the police department of Dexter PD has grown to be modern and scientific law enforcement agency which unceasingly provides a vital public service;
Now, Therefore, I, Jason Banken, Mayor of the City of Dexter, call upon all citizens of Dexter, MO and upon all patriotic, civil, and educational organizations to observe the week of May 14th as Police Week with appropriate ceremonies in which all of our people may join in commemorating police officers, past, and present, who by their faithful and loyal devotion to their responsibilities have rendered a dedicated service to their communities and, in doing so, have established for themselves an enviable and enduring reputation for preserving the rights and security of all citizens.
I further call upon all citizens of Dexter, Missouri to observe May 15, 2018 as Peace Officers Memorial Day to honor those peace officers who through their courageous deeds, have lost their lives or have become disabled in the performance of duty.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set our hands and caused the seal of the City of Dexter, Missouri to be affixed this 14th Day of May, 2018.
Pictured are from left to right City Administrator Mark Stidham and from the Dexter Police Department Hank Trout, Trevor Pulley, and Joshua Benton. Seated Mayor Jason Banken ready to sign the Proclamation.

Dexter's Walmart presented the Dexter Police Department with a $1,500 donation on Thursday, April 26, 2018.
The monies will be utilized in supplying the department with updated body cameras.
This is the second time Walmart has committed to assisting with the local department's upgrade of equipment.
Accepting the grant are Lt. Joshua Benton and Capt. Trevor Pulley. At left are Walmart Asset Protection Assistant Manager Cory Nugent and Assistant Store Manager Randee Holder.