Jefferson City, Missouri - Dexter High School student Jake Rice was awarded the 2016 Outstanding Youth Prevention Award by ACT Missouri.
The award honors youth that have made a commitment and significant contribution to prevent underage drinking and substance use in their communities. Award winners were presented the prestigious award along with a Senate Resolution.
“Jake exemplifies the dedication, resourcefulness, and tenacity it takes for youth to make a difference in their communities,” said Alicia Ozenberger, Deputy Director. “ACT Missouri is thrilled to recognize Jake for his hard work over the past year.”
Jake is a Sophomore at Dexter High School. He is involved in Missouri Smoke Free on the local, district and state level. He has attended the coalition training meetings in Sikeston, as well as in Columbia. He has already spent hours of his own time to promote our program district and state wide! He is a council member of the district and state coalition as well as one of our leaders at Dexter. He has also attended the Stoddard County Smoke Free Coalition meetings as well.
Jake recently spoke to our local school board and gained approval to post No Tobacco signs throughout our school campus. Jake also attended the state rally in March at Jefferson City. Coalition leaders throughout the state nominated youth for the award with an essay highlighting their community service and extra-curricular activities. T
he awards were presented on April 13, 2016 as part of the 12th annual Speak Hard Youth Conference in Jefferson City. ACT Missouri is the statewide training and resource center for substance abuse prevention. Through free trainings, brochures, and education, ACT Missouri works with all areas of the state to combat drug and alcohol abuse, especially among Missouri youth. ACT Missouri also serves at the state representative for national organizations such as SADD and The Partnership for Drug Free Kids. Contact Information: Natalie Newville Public Information Officer nnewville@actmissouri.org 573-635-6669